Even when I haven't yet listened to his voice mail, I can already feel His peace filling my heart.
Romans 8:28...
We'll find a way to make up, and it will be well.
Right, God?
It's the last thing I think of when I fall asleep.
But when I wake up, it's to find out that Giancarlo's helicopter has crashed, and local police are still searching for his body.
RAIN STARTED SLASHINGagainst the hard ground, and by tomorrow, Giancarlo knew he would be as good as invisible to those who hunted him. The raging storm would wash away any remaining traces of his scent, but while this bought him much-needed time...the inclement weather brought with it a new hurdle for him to overcome.
The cold didn't just make every part of his body hurt a thousand times worse. It also left him susceptible to pneumonia and sepsis, depending on how long he went without treatment.
Giancarlo's head pounded as he tried to take stock of his injuries.
A head concussion, a couple of fractured ribs, and a gunshot wound on his left shoulder.
But what disturbed him the most was how he couldn't feel his fucking legs.
At all.
He knew faith was supposed to move mountains, but as the cold seeped deeper into his bones, and his vision started to blur...
Please don't.
Not this, God.
Please don't....
Giancarlo found himself struggling to even remember what he was praying about.
And that was when the devil began to whisper into his ear.
The world isn't going to stop turning if you die.
So why not give in?
What else are you living for?
A monster started clawing at the walls of his mind.
Its name was Delirium, and it would not be denied.
HIS GRANDMOTHER SNAPPEDher fingers at his face. "Giancarlo?"
Was this really happening?