But the pain and the terror are still there, and the words simply fly out of my mouth.

"Those f-fucking bastards wanted to rape me!"

I can't believe how much Iwantto cry right now.

But I can't seem to for some reason.

"Breathe, Sarica."

The Angel of Death doesn't sound gentle at all this time.


But the firmness of her voice is also exactly what I need to hear.

"The Martinos have been dealt with."

My abductors finally have a name.

And it's afamigliathat's supposed to be our fuckingallies.

"You don't have to see them again if you don't want to."

"Of course, I don't fucking want to—-"

"Then you must make your choice."

My chest feels like it's about to explode. All I can do is stare at her.Choice?What fucking choice is she talking about? Does she want to know whether I want them castrated or beheaded? Can I fucking choose both?

"The Martinos have convinced your father that youmisunderstoodtheir son's intention. They have offered marriage between you and their firstborn as proof—-and your father wants you to seriously consider it."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I realize she isn't joking.

Our world has always been this sick and evil.

So why am I still surprised that my own father would betray me like this?

"They wanted torapeme!"

"I believe you."

But your own father doesn't.

The unspoken words hang between us, and I can literally feel my mind starting to slip.

"You can'tmisunderstandsomething like that."

"I know."

But your father doesn't.

"And...it's not possible anyway, right?" The way my voice trembles is sickening to hear, but I find myself powerless to change it. "My father can't force me...right? I'm only fifteen—-"

My voice falters at the look she gives me.

"I'm sorry, Sarica."

But you're wrong.