The disgustingly cheesy thought comes out of nowhere, and it makes me feel like gagging and smiling even as I hurry out of my bedroom. I don't even bother brushing my teeth first. I just want to find him,asap,and—-

There you are.

I slow down and step out onto the balcony.

"Do you regret it?"

It really seems to be my lucky day because for once in my life, I'mfinallyable toeavesdrop.

"What exactly are you asking,nonna?"

The voices are easily recognizable. It'sLa Stregaand Giancarlo, and while the door to her study may be closed, they've apparently forgotten to close one of the windows, which opens directly to the balcony.

"Sarica is not the bride I had chosen for you."

"Why are you suddenly bringing this up?"

"I just want to know. After all these years—-do you regret going against my wishes?"

I don't understand.

"I do."

I don't want to hear this.

"I do regret it."

I can't even cry as I turn and walk away.

Why, God?


I know eavesdropping is a fucking sin, but did you have to be this cruel just to make your point?

Present Time


I'LL FINALLY DO IT, today. I'll do it today. I swear I'll do it.

That's what I've been telling myself for the past two years, but every day, the words are nothing but self-deception at work.

Because love has turned me into a coward.

Help me, God.

Help me.


Ever since Cesare's imprisonment and subsequent release, the wholefamigliahas changed. Everyone'ssofternow.


And the biggest miracle of all?

With the combined use of trickery, blackmail, and heaps of divine grace, Giancarlo and Gazelle have managed to make me attend Bible studies that inevitably changed everything.