I do as she says even when I feel stupid, and after a few more tries, the spinning eventually slows down, and my head gradually stops throbbing as well.
It takes another dose of courage to make myself turn towards the voice.
I expected someone in her thirties, but instead, I found a blond-haired, blue-eyed girl seated next to my bed. I'm guessing she's just a few years older. Maybe 20 or 21 to my fifteen. But either way, who gives a shit? She's a stranger to me still, and that's enough reason for menotto trust her.
We stare at each other, and impatience eventually gets the better of me.
"Who are you?" I ask in a guarded tone.
Her lips curve in a smile, and she looks even more angelic than she already does.
Not buying it.
"Will you believe me if I say I'm simply someone who wants to help?"
"Only if you'll tell me what you're hoping to get in exchange."
"And if I say I have nothing to gain?"
"Then no. I don't believe you just want to help me," I answer flatly, but the words only cause her blue eyes to twinkle.
Cray,I think right away.
No doubt about it: this girl isn't in her right mind.
"How about I put it this way? I want to help you...because once upon a time, someone did the same thing for me, and so I'm paying it forward. But only just this once."
I don't answer her right away. There's something about her that feels more and more familiar, and I start looking around, thinking that my surroundings might give me a clue.
I've all sorts of tubes and wires hooked to my body, and there's a heart monitor next to my bed. These may make it sound like I'm in a hospital, but I'm not.
Because the matte black walls and all-red lights are a dead giveaway.
Deadbeing the operative word.
Comprehension finally kicks in, and my heart plummets to my stomach.
The smile on the other girl's lips widens. "You finally recognize where you are."
"Andyou," I mutter.
Because this girl I'm speaking to is none other than the Angel of Death—-
"Welcome toLa Torre dei Mostri."
—-andthisis the place she calls home,akaThe Tower of Monsters.