Am I the only one who doesn't overhear anything?
"It's probably because they're not from our world, and so they don't know about the betrothal..."
"Just spit it out," I say.
"But I'm sure it's not—-"
"They also don't know what your brother sees in me."
Gazelle looks at me ruefully. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine," I answer airily. "The two of us don't have anything in common, and I'mproudof that."
"I see it, though."
"See what?"
"What Giancarlo sees in you."
"You don't need to make me feel better—-"
"You keep him off balance," Gazelle says simply.
A laugh escapes me. "And you think that makes him happy?"
"Giancarlo's the wisest man I know. He won't lie to himself just because he doesn't like the truth."
All I can do is stare at the younger girl. "Are you sure you're still in high school?"
Gazelle laughs, but even though we talk about other things after that, her words linger in my mind like a ghost I can't exorcise.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The party heats up in the main deck as the evening wears on, but I'm still thinking of Gazelle's words when I bump intoLa Stregaon my way to my suite.
"Early night?" she asks in surprise.
I wrinkle my nose. "I've never been one for parties."
"Your high school counselor would beg to differ."
"Oh, please. Like you didn't really know what I was up to. I was acting out—-"
"Like you have been doing in recent months?"
I look at her innocently. "I have no idea—-"
The matriarch rolls her eyes. "I think it's time we speak the truth,bambina."
"I haven't lied to you—-"
"But can you say the same for yourself?" she challenges. "Let us be honest now, for once. Do you truly think my grandson is the type to care if you dye your hair with every color in the rainbow? Do you really believe Giancarlo would lose his temper when you wear those ridiculous tops that make it seem like America is suffering a shortage of cotton?"
Every word she utters feels like a personal attack—-
"Those things annoyme,not him."
And whenLa Stregais done speaking, I don't just feel offended, but I feel like going the offensive as well.