I really feel like crying when his lips finally coax mine to part, and my lips open under his like a flower that needs his taste to bloom, andfuck, fuck, fuck.

Did I really fucking think something that fucking cheesy andfuck, fuck, fuck—-

His tongue enters my mouth, and it's over for me in that instant.

Something hot unfurls from the most secret part of me, and all I can do is whimper as my arms involuntarily wrap around his neck.

His hands slide down until they're cupping the cheeks of my bottom, and...aaaaaah.

This is the first time, the very first time that I feel Giancarlo is touching and holding me the way a man would hold awoman, and the thought alone has me moaning and feeling embarrassingly wet.

Please, oh please.

Sanity slips further away as he deepens his kiss, and his tongue explores my mouth in a way that leaves me delirious. A whimper escapes me as he squeezes my ass before pulling me closer. The distance between our bodies disappear, and my mind shuts down.

Oh, please, please, please.

I only realize what I'm silently begging for when he pulls away.


I didn't want the kiss to end, dammit.

But it already has.

"Do you know what I'd have done if you had chosen punishment?"

He takes a step back as he speaks, and I hate how the way I suddenly feel achingly empty at the loss of contact.

"Do you, Sarica?"

I shake my head.

"It's this."

"I don't get it."

Wickedness glints in his eyes, and I suddenly find his gorgeous face oh...so...punchable.

"I'm already doing it, Sarica."

What the hell does that mean?

"You're not doing—-"




Is he saying himnotkissing and touching me is apunishment?

I see his lips curve in a smirk, and that fucking does it!

I charge toward him, but Giancarlo being Giancarlo is already expecting it, and he catches me mid-way, and everything backfires.
