Something'schanged,but because I don't want Giancarlo to think he has the power to leave me confused and restless (even when it's true)—-I've gone back to my old ways instead.
Oh, if only I could just say yes.
And it's why I've found myself pushing and pushing and pushing all the buttons I can think of to make a certain someone snap.
"Maybe, if we talk about it—-"
I cut Cat off with a glare. "You have it wrong, okay?Nothinghappened between Giancarlo and me."
Cat's expression softens. "That bad, huh?"
This entire exchange reminds me of the time I asked the other girl about her favorite Marchetti, and it suddenly feels like eitherkarma is at work...or it's something worse like God making a point.
So which is it?
It's been years since I last thought of God, and since I doubt that's no coincidence either...
You show up when I need you the most, is that it?
"If you're worried about me telling anyone about this," Cat goes on earnestly, "I promise to keep everything a secret."
And now, you think I should talk to Cat?
I suppose I could give it a try, but...
Francisco flashes an unabashed grin when he sees me looking at him suspiciously.
"As long as you don't say anything that will make me think your life is in danger, I will see, hear, and speak no evil."
Since that sounds fair, I guess all that's left to do is—-
"Giancarlo isstillconvinced we'll get married."
—-admit I have a misunderstanding with Giancarlo without getting into the specifics.
Cat is still silent beside me, but I don't mind waiting. She's always been the type to only talk when she has something worth saying, and that's why I end up holding my breath when she finally looks at me.
"I didn't expect you to be the type to deny what's obvious and inevitable."
I'm genuinely stunned at how she's worded things. "Don'tyoucare aboutwhoyou'll marry? Don't you want it to be your choice?"
"Oh, Sari." Cat's eyes are suddenly twinkling. "I didn't realize you're such a romantic."
"W-What? No! I'mnot—-"
"I think it's cute," Cat adds.
"Very cute," Francisco chimes in, but with the way he's grinning, it's obvious he's only saying so to piss me off.
"For the fucking love of—-"
Cat looks at me chidingly. "Sari!"
"Then stop fucking say—-"
"There's nothing shameful about wanting to marry for love."
"I didn't say—-"