"You've never bothered to speak with me inprivate.So why are you suddenly—-"

"Because it's no longer prohibited."

The way he confirms the truth so casually throws me off, and I end up blurting out the first thought that pops into my mind.

"So it's true? What Maryse said? That you didn't want to risk being called a pedophile?"

His gaze bores through me. "What other reason could there be?"

"How the hell would I know? I don't really know you—-"

"Because you chose not to know me."

"Excuse me?" I can't help feeling defensive at how he accuses me soeasily. "Shouldn't that go both ways? Because you also don't know—-"

"Try me."

Oh, so he's really going to challenge me on this?

"What's my favorite color?"

Amusement gleams in his eyes. "That's really what you want to ask?"

Childish or not, it still proves my fucking point, so—-

"Yes," I retort with a proud tilt of my chin. "That's exactly what I want to ask—-"

"It's pink—-"


"But because you'd rather die than admit this, you always lie and tell anyone who cares to ask that your favorite color is black."

H-H-How the fuck did he know that?

"You also hate drinking anything hot because it reminds you of what youdidn'texperience when you were a child: someone to tell you ice-cold drinksmayleave your throat sore."

What the fuck?

"You have 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World'on repeat when you study, and I know this because I'm the one who pays for your music subscription. It's why I also know you watch Korean dramas at night, on mute. You've forgotten how I'm also the one paying for your streaming subscriptions—-"

Somebody fucking do something before I fucking—-

"I can practically hear you swearing in your mind," Giancarlo drawls.

"Should I say it out loud then?" I snarl.

"If you want to be spanked for it, be my guest."


I stare at him in a mix of shock and outrage, but when he only gazes back at me calmly, the words fly out of my mouth in a livid cry.

"W-What's gotten into you?"

"This is how I have always been."

"A jerk?"