I can't help gritting my teeth as Giancarlo guides me out of the dining room. I hate how he always finds a way to give off this impression we're in sync about everything, and I glare at him as soon as we're out of sight.

"You made it seem like we've agreed about this."

"Was I wrong? I can't seem to recall you disagreeing."


"You look furious," he murmurs.

And that surprises him, seriously?

"You're so full of yourself," I growl out.

"But not wrong."

The words literally have me growling, and Giancarlo chuckles.

"I cannot help being right, Sarica," he says lazily. "Just like I cannot help being perfect."

This, dammit!

This is what I hate the most about him.

He's only the most fuckingobnoxiousjerk around me because he damn well knows no one's going to believe me if I tell the whole world the truth about him.

"I hate you, hate you, hate you—-"

A horrified gasp cuts me off, and both Giancarlo and I turn towards the sound.

The woman's face is unfamiliar, but the dismay on her face is telling.

It's her.

I'm not jealous or anything, I swear.

But I'm absolutely convinced it's her.

The new hire who calls herself Giancarlo's #1 fan.

And for some reason, this thought has me looking up at Giancarlo—-


He's staring at the other woman, but his expression can only be described as the opposite of gentleness. It's not cold or hard per se. But it's just not...gentle.


Oh no.

That's not good at all.

I know exactly how it feels to be a recipient of such a look, and sure enough, when my gaze flies back to the new hire, it's to see her pale and shaking. It's as if the sun has suddenly turned its back on her, and when Giancarlo finally speaks—-

"Has it not been made clear to you which part of the house are you authorized to access?"

"I-I'm s-sorry,s-si—-"

Giancarlo raises a hand, and she shuts up even as she starts to cry.