While all of Giancarlo's siblings have been nothing butniceto me, I've also seen how they don't hold anything back when roasting each other over anything and everything under the sun.
This is the first time one of them has been so, well...pettytowards me, and my eyes suddenly start stinging.
Thisfamigliawill be the fucking death of me, I swear. The more time I spend with the Marchettis, the weaker I seem to become, and I fucking hate it.
I jump in my seat at hearing Giancarlo address me, and Massimo's expression turns amused.
Is this how younger sisters feel when they have a jerk for an older brother? I'm so damn tempted to kick him under the table or—-
"Are you alright?"
Oh, shit, I forgot about Giancarlo again.
"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seemed on the verge of tears a few moments ago. And yet now, you look...happy."
This is the first time I've ever heard someone say that about me, and my skin immediately crawls.
"You're mistaken," I say shortly. "I don't do happy."
I glare at him. "What the f—-"
Giancarlo raises a brow, and I don't miss a beat as I replace an F-bomb with something, um, less explosive.
"—-freakdoes that mean?"
"I was simply wondering if such sentiments are the reason why you've been having trouble in school."
Oh, Maryse, you tattletale.
I know I'm not the smartest kid on the block, but I also know it can't be a coincidence that Giancarlo was showing sudden interest in my school activity...justone dayafter my lunch with the former Angel of Death.
I find myself turning to Massimo for some reason, and I'm not sure how to feel when Giancarlo's brother smirks at me.
"You asked for this,sorellina."
Is it just me...or did he actually sound like he was looking forward to seeing his brother read me the riot act?
I turn to Giancarlo again, and...oh.
He's not smiling, and it's only at that moment I realized how he's alwaysgentlewhen talking to me.
Until now.