The old womansmilesat me, and the hairs behind my neck stand.La Stregameans 'the witch' in Italian, and she definitely looks like one now.
"My grandson only makes a move when I say so. It is how ourfamigliaremains strong to this day, and that is how you know you would not be here now without my say so. I want you to be his bride," the matriarch declares imperiously, "and once you're old enough, you will marry my grandson."
"I don't want you to think I'm being ungrateful—-"
"And yet that's exactly how you sound like," the older woman harrumphs.
"But you don't have anything to gain from marrying me."
"Let me be the judge of that."
The door to the study immediately opens, and just like that, her elderlyassassinconsiglierepops at the matriarch's side. "Sì, signora?"
"It is time for Sarica to rest. Escort thebambinato her room,per favore."
Francisco marches me out of his employer's study despite my protests, and he only smiles when I glare at him.
"I can already tell the two of you will get along perfectly."
"Then you're just as crazy as she is."
POTENZIANA WAS HAVINGtea in the library when a knock sounded, and her eldest grandson walked in. She glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner. "It's past midnight."
"Scusa per il ritardo," her grandson murmured in apology."Certain parties required more convincing."
The mildness of Giancarlo's tone usually meant there was more to what he was saying, but she let it go for now. Tomorrow would come soon enough, and Francisco could fill her in by then.
For now, she focused on her grandson, who appeared unusually stiff as he remained on his feet, his back against the fireplace.
"I'd invite you for tea, but you clearly have something on your mind."
"Do not keep me in suspense,signora."
She almost smiled. This boy of hers was truly like no other, with how he hadeveryonefooled into thinking he was her most obedient grandson. But in truth, Giancarlo was the opposite, and he was also the only one capable of speaking to her in a tone that was both respectful and yet lecturing at the same time.
"Why do you even worry?" she chided in answer. "Do you not remember who you're talking to?"
His shoulders relaxed, the tension visibly easing from his frame. "She believed you then."
"Certo." Of course."And now that I have done my part, be sure to keep your end of the bargain. I granted you this favor because I did see its merits...even if she is not the bride I had in mind for you."
"Grazie, nonna."
Potenziana snorted. "We both know you would have insisted on your way if I had tried putting my foot down."
"You must have me confused with my younger brothers," her grandson drawled. "Am I not known as your most dutiful heir?"
"Save those lies for the idiots of this world," she retorted. "You got what you wanted. And now, it's my turn. I expect you to fully support myeverychoice when it comes to your brothers and Gazelle."
"You have my word."
"Then we have nothing else to talk about." She gestured to the door. "Go and rest," she ordered gruffly. "You've had a long day."