
He looked up, and his soul withered at the disgust in Sarica's gaze.

"If that's all you can do...you're better off dead."


YOU'VE BEEN MISSINGfor 342 days, my love.

All the books I read about grief say the same thing.

It should be easier for me now, but it's not.

And I'm glad it's not because that means what I'm feeling isn't grief.

We may have all stopped talking about it, but it's only because talking about what has yet to happen just hurts.

Even though we no longer say your name, I know we all feel the same.

We know you're still alive.

And we know you're coming back to us.

And you are, aren't you?

Please say you are.


I miss you so much, my love.

I know all I can do is wait and pray.

I know I'm not supposed to worry, but it's hard.

I'm scared to even imagine what's keeping someone like you from coming back.

I can't bear thinking of you hurting in any way.

I just can't.

I miss you, Giancarlo.

I miss you so, so bad.

And I know I'm not supposed to feel this, too, but there are so many days when all I can do is cry and hate myself.

Why didn't I answer your calls?

Why didn't I listen to your voicemail?

Why did my last words to you have to be something that's meant to hurt you?

I know you'll forgive me because that's just how you are, but I don't think I can forgive myself until you come back.

I love you, Giancarlo.

I love you.