Why does no one take me seriously when it comes to Giancarlo?


I throw my arm over my eyes and close them for good measure, but it's no use. I still seehimbehind my lids, and I hate it. I hate him! But most of all, I hate how I've been feeling so strangely self-conscious around Giancarlo every time I'm in the same room as him.

Why, dammit?

Why is everything so fucking weird when I didn't even used to mind hearing other girls talk about him like he's the juiciest piece of steak?

"Everything's suddenly changed," I hear myself mutter, "and it's all his fault. Things were never awkward—-"

"Changes like that don't happen overnight."

My eyes fly open at her words, and I'm already shaking my head in protest as I shoot up to a sitting position. "I've been his fiancée for years, but Inever—-"

"You wereabducted. And almostraped."

Why is she bringing that up all of a sudden?

"There are so many studies that show how women who haven't been able to heal and overcome their trauma end up falling for men who are no different from their rapists. But you..." Maryse eyes me over the rim of her teacup as she takes a sip. "You're one of the luckier ones, and I hope you know that." She lowers the cup back on its saucer before settling back in her armchair as she tucks her legs under her. "The Marchettis gave you the chance to heal at your own pace. You became yourself again without even realizing it."

What the hell is she talking about?

"I've always been me—-"

"But for a time, didn't you just see yourself as that girl who was almost raped?"


"But that's no longer the case, isn't it?" Maryse presses.


"It hasn't been so for a long time."


Every word she's said is true. I just don't get why I never realized—-

"But you only realized you're you again when Giancarlo forced you to see the truth—-"

No. No. No.

Everything in me recoils from the case Maryse's trying to make.

"You're no different from the other girls now, Sari."

The fuck I'm not!

"You feel the same things other girls your age do. The idea of sex may have seemed distasteful and scary to you before, but that's no longer true, is it? You probably imagined you'll never fall in love or experience attraction even, but Giancarlo—-"

"What if it's not him?" The desperation in my tone makes me cringe internally, but all I want, all Ineedis to prove her wrong. "It's possible, right? That maybe I did heal, but it doesn't meanhehas anything to do—-"

"Oh, Sari."

I hate, hate,hatewhen she says my name like I'm about to be schooled.

"There's no such thing as coincidence. The outside world may still believe it's so, but you and I arefamiglia.We know better."