Well, fuck.
My face contorts in a grimace of self-disgust, and Maryse laughs.
The Angel of Death is no more, and in front of me is just a twenty-something girl who used to kill bad people...until she stood in front of a thirty-something guy, and they fell in love and started having babies happily ever after.
And fine, a lot of blood was spilled between their meet-cute and epilogue, but who cares? What matters is that life outside our world has only made Maryse wiser, and that's why I know...
She's absolutely right.
I'm just as stupid and inexperienced as she says since not once have I tried to put myself inhisshoes.
Because if I had...
Then I would've done exactly the same fucking thing.
If I were him, I'd also stay as far away from me as possible.
Because that's how it should be when you're older and the other person is underage.
You stay away until it's legal and ethical.
Otherwise, you're bound for a special place in Hell, and it's reserved for men who "groom" teenage girls...even if theyalsohappen to be thefuturegroom of said teenage girl.
Four Years Ago
SEX IS A MAN'S LOVElanguage.
I'm tempted to throw my iPhone away the moment I finish reading the article.
I don't care how many degrees the author of this online article has.
All I know is that this guy can't be absolutely right.
Because if he is...then I'm absolutely fucked.
So, no.
Everything he's written here has to be pure b.s., and only an idiot—-
Cattleya suddenly enters the Marchettis' second-floor library, and her eyes have already widened by the time I remember to flip my phone face down.
"It'snotwhat you think." I feel like I've been saying this more and more recently, and that'snotgood at all. It makes me sound like a liar, which I'm not.Honest!
Cattleya slips back into her seat across mine. Both of us are unofficial wards of the Marchettis, but that's the only similaritywe have between us. Cat's parents were good people...and they were also murdered because theyweregood. My father obviously isn't in the same category, and I guess that's why he's still alive.
"So..." Cat looks at me with a rueful smile. "The new girls working in the kitchen have been talking about Giancarlo nonstop."
And Cat being Cat, of course, she'd know about this. There's just something about the other girl that makes her, well...cat-like. She has this amazing ability to slip in and out of a room without anyone knowing. Moreover, people also often say things in her presence that they normally wouldn't say out loud because they don't even realize—-
"So I understand why you're bothered and jealous," Cat finishes.