“It’s not even seven yet. It’s barely night, and it’s likelya friend.” Wyatt started for the door. “You’re going to have to get used tohaving friends drop by.”
Sawyer’s expression told Sabrina he didn’t like the thought.
He was always going to be her gorgeous grump.
Bella growled a second before Wyatt opened the door.
“Wyatt Kemp,” a deep voice said. Deputy Marshall Lethe stoodin the doorway, and his partner was behind him. She couldn’t help but noticethe set of cuffs in Marshall’s hands.
Or the fact that Knox had his sidearm in his hand.
“You’re under arrest for the murder of Dennis Hill,”Marshall intoned.
And Sabrina knew her world was in more danger than she’dever imagined.
Wyatt stopped, his whole body going still as he stared downat the gun Knox was holding. He was still out of Marshall’s range, but all itwould take would be a couple of steps and he would have to decide if he wasgoing to fight.
Hadn’t he been waiting for this to happen? Hadn’t he beenwaiting for his brother to push the issue? Somehow he’d thought he had moretime. He also hadn’t thought his brother would use the cops to get him. Becausehe had zero doubt his brother was behind this.
His brother wanted him in a place where he had to allowhimself to be taken in, to be put in a cage where he was going to be totallyvulnerable or fight and put everyone at risk. Even the timing had been madewith precision. They took him at the cabin where Sawyer and Sabrina could becollateral damage and not the meeting later this evening where the sheriffmight have some say.
He wasn’t going to fight. Sawyer wasn’t carrying and neitherwas he. Fuck it all. He wasn’t this guy. Maybe he’d heard wrong or this wassome kind of asshole joke they were playing on him. “What?”
Marshall had traded the uniform he wore when he worked extrashifts in Bliss for the one he normally wore as a member of the CreedeSheriff’s Department. Which explained how this was happening since Wyatt wasfairly certain Nate wouldn’t have sent them. If Nate had questions—or evenneeded to bring him in—he would have come himself.
“You’re under arrest for the murder of Dennis Hill,”Marshall reiterated. “Last year you killed Dennis Hill on the orders of yourbrother, Wayne Kemp.”
“No, he didn’t.” Sabrina took a step forward.
Sawyer reached out and took hold of her elbow. Wyatt sent upa silent thank you because he wasn’t sure Sabrina wouldn’t try to attack thepolice.
They were going to arrest him. Something had gone terriblywrong, and he was about to pay for it. He had to make sure they didn’t go downwith him.
“Sabrina, stay back.” He was going to keep it together forher sake. It was surprising. The urge to fight his way out wasn’t pounding athis brain the way it normally would be. He couldn’t lose it. No matter what.“Guys, you don’t need the guns. I’m not armed. None of us are.”
“Yeah, we’ll keep our guns,” Knox replied with a hardeninggaze. “Somehow I think you lie. After what you did in Colorado Springs, no oneshould trust you. Sawyer, you going to give us trouble?”
“No more than I have to,” Sawyer admitted.
Bella moved around Sabrina and Sawyer, growling.
That fucker actually pointed a gun at their dog. “Call heroff, Sawyer. We’re not playing around. We know exactly who he is, and he’sgoing to pay for his crimes. You’re lucky we’re not taking you in, too. I thinkyou’re probably an accessory after the fact. If not before.”
“He knows nothing.” Bella came to stand at Wyatt’s side, herstare wary on the intruders. She was a sweet baby but she knew how to protectthe people she loved. And so did Wyatt. There was a time to fight and a time tocall the battle.
“Bella, go to Sawyer.” Wyatt took a deep breath as he heldup his hands. “No one’s going to give you any trouble. There’s no reason tohurt our dog.”
Marshall huffed. “Do you think we want to hurt a dog? Wedon’t, man, but we also can’t let you pretend to be a good guy. I’ve seen theevidence. You’re going to drag Sabrina down with you, and I won’t let ithappen. Even if she can’t care about us. It doesn’t matter. I’m not letting awoman like Sabrina get involved with a murderer if I can help it.”
“You can help it.” Sabrina’s tone had gone even, the panicfrom before shoved down. It allowed Sawyer to let her elbow go so he couldreach for Bella’s collar. “You don’t have to do this. There is an explanation.Wyatt didn’t kill anyone.”
“That’s not what the Colorado Bureau of Investigation says.”Knox stood tall, his jaw going tight. “We didn’t make shit up. The CBIinvestigator brought us the evidence, and our bosses in Creede gave us the goahead to bring you in.”
“Creede?” Sawyer asked. “Why would the CBI go to Creede?Bliss is the nearest town.”
“You’re on unincorporated land,” Marshall explained. “CBIdecided they would rather work with Creede than Bliss. Nate has a reputationfor being difficult.”