“It does feel like a mistake,” Wyatt concurred.
It was good to know she could make them both stop simply bybeing naked. She stepped into her undies. “What? Being clothed for the meetingin which I have to tell Stef Talbot he knows nothing about stocking achildren’s library? Half the town will be there to complain about there being afull set of books on art history and only three Dr. Seuss books. Poor littleLogan probably gets read Georgia O’Keeffe’s biography as a bedtime story.”
“I personally think you being naked would make the meetingway more fun.” Sawyer sat down on the bed, Bella between his legs as he strokedhis big hand over her head.
“We could have it at Mountain and Valley.” Wyatt’s eyeswatched her as she hooked her bra and reached for the black and blue floraldress she had picked out to do battle with the King of Bliss. It was herfavorite since it had the deepest pockets.
“Nah. Then we’d all have to be naked, and I don’t like myjunk swinging around,” Sawyer admitted. “Also, Max Harper gets a little crazyat those parties. Like he thinks it’s funny to dress his dick up and make it dotricks. We should have Sabrina explain to everyone she feels more settlednaked, and then Nell will chuck her clothes, too, and Henry will lose his shitbecause he’s got extremely firm rules on where his wife’s breasts can be free.Then half the women will go bare breasted in solidarity, and Rachel willalready be topless because she’s breastfeeding again and she’ll take the wholething as an excuse to get rid of the drape she usually uses. And when Rye triesto cover her up, she’ll yell if he didn’t want her to breastfeed in public, heshouldn’t have knocked her up, and she’ll use her boob as a weapon. I’ve heardshe can aim. Anyway, I’m only saying it will liven things up, Teach.”
Wyatt’s eyes had gone wide. “That is the most words I’veever heard him say at one time.”
She was taking Sawyer’s chattiness as a sign of good thingsto come. “He’s comfortable with us so he doesn’t hold back. However, there willbe children there, so I shall forego the nudity and the chaos occurring after.I do not need my students knowing what my boobs look like. There’s a reasonMountain and Valley is adults only.”
“Yeah, it’s because it’s the only place some of thosemotherfuckers can get away from all the kids they’re having,” Sawyercomplained. “Have you noticed? It’s like kids are everywhere. They’re runningwild.”
“And yet you say you want five.” Maybe this would be aneasier subject.
“I said if we’re not careful, we’ll have five.” His smirktold her he was fucking with her.
Which made her want to fuck with him. “I don’t know. Itcould be fun. Five kids. Then obviously Bella will need a friend. I’m sure atleast one of the girls will want a cat, so we’ll need a kitten. Elisa told meshe and Hale and Van are talking about adopting, so I would definitely want tostart soon.”
He stared at her for a moment and then his head shook. “Sofucking mean.”
He liked her mean. “I think we’ll wait a while to have thisdiscussion.”
“Well played, and by the way you look lovely,” Sawyer said.“I’ll stick close to Wyatt in case any of those rogue kids I talked about comefor his shins. I would set Bella on them, but we all know how that would go.”
Bella would lick the attackers to death. Or at least untilthey giggled and petted her.
“I can handle the kids.” Wyatt frowned. “I think. I hope Ican. But I get what you’re saying about the situation in Colorado Springs. Iwould have to have found someone willing to prosecute and put their ownfamilies at risk. There’s a reason the Horde hasn’t been taken down and it’sbecause there are cops out there who work with them and others who are scaredof what could happen to their loved ones if they try.”
Sawyer sighed as though he didn’t really want to have thisconversation but was resigned to it. “There’s a balance held between them, andthere has been for years. It’s why I went in. The cops have to show they’retrying. And they are, but it can be difficult and extremely dangerous to takedown a group like the Horde. On the other hand, Wayne understands the game. Thecops need a win every now and then. So Wayne throws them a prospect. A new kidto do some time because it also keeps up the group’s reputation.”
“He was absolutely planning on using Sawyer’s brother tokeep the cops off the club. I heard him talking about it,” Wyatt explained.
“And Wyatt risked his brother’s wrath to tell you,” Sabrinasurmised. She’d always known there was a strong bond between these two men. Ithad been forged by their time in the MC and by their willingness to risk forthe people around them.
“He did. I was able to mitigate the damage,” Sawyer agreed.“If things had gone down the way Wayne planned, my brother would have done atleast twenty years. As it was they couldn’t get him for more than eighteenmonths, and he was out in half the time. He left the Horde after and he’s…he’sgood, I think.”
Her heart ached when she thought about Sawyer’s brotherrejecting him. “He’s foolish. You did him a great service, and one day he’sgoing to figure it out.”
Sawyer stared down at her for a moment, an oddly gentle lookon his face. “I wouldn’t take it back. Not even to spare myself the pain. Iwould do it because he’s my brother, and I didn’t try to save him so he wouldlike me more. I would do it because it led me here, and I want to be here. Soif he never speaks to me again, I’m content.”
She breathed in the words. He didn’t talk this way often,but when he did, oh, she felt every word in her soul. “I’m more than content,Sawyer.”
He winked at her. “Yeah, I know. You’re sore.” He kissed herbriefly and turned to Wyatt. “So who did he want you to kill and how did youfake it?”
Wyatt sighed and leaned against the footrest of the bed.“This was supposed to be my darkest secret. Would you like to tell the story?”
“Someone who could have testified against him?” There was asurety to Sawyer’s question, like he already knew the answer. He ignored Wyatt,obviously wanting to get to the point.
Wyatt sat down beside Sawyer, his hand going to Bella’sback. She probably wasn’t joking about more dogs. And she planned on bringingup the idea of classroom pets at the meeting this evening.
“How did you fake…his? Hers?” Sabrina wasn’t sure. “How didyou fake the murder you were supposed to commit? I assume one of the reasons hewould want you to commit murder is having it over your head. I don’t understandwhy he didn’t have you do it in front of him.”
Wyatt glanced down at his watch. “Do you want the wholestory because we’re going to be late. It’s kind of long, and there’s somethingwe need to talk about before the meeting.”
“But we’re going to talk about it,” Sawyer said, leveling astare at Wyatt.