Page 81 of Wild Bliss

Lucy shook her head as they started walking down the streettoward the Trading Post. His day was looking up because if Lucy and River werewith him, he wouldn’t have to ask Marie about tampons. Or would she want pads?He hadn’t gotten around to asking about her menstrual habits.

“Don’t call off the meeting,” River argued. “I’m never goingto be able to join the I Shot a Son of a Bitch club if we go all peaceful andstuff. You would think after years on the run with a paramilitary group I wouldhave shot someone, but nope. And they have all the best snacks. I’m jealous ofLucy’s T-shirt. She didn’t actually shoot anyone, either.”

“We use the wordshotbecause it sounds cool. Ihave, in fact, had a hand in murdering a cult leader who was trying to murderme. Oh, and I helped solve a murder. I mean, Nell figured it out, but shewouldn’t have been able to without me.” Lucy sighed and smiled. “Life really isbetter in Bliss.”

“Also, part of the meeting is to approve the funds Ms. Lealwants to build the new library. Right now it’s a couple of shelves, and I’veheard she’s not happy with the selection,” River explained as they walked alongMain, passing Stella’s. “Stefan Talbot picked the books himself. I think wemight need to talk to him about not getting upset with Sabrina.”

Sawyer shrugged. “Nah. She’ll take him down and make him payfor the pleasure of doing it. She’s way meaner than she looks. And she’s theexpert. Talbot needs to write his checks and keep his nose out of Teach’sbusiness.” Watching her filet Talbot with words would be fun. “Do you have anycheese popcorn?”

Lucy had stopped as they came to the corner. Up ahead wasthe building that housed the mayor’s office and all the town’s governingboards. To the right was the Trading Post, which housed Marie and Teeny andfive different businesses that supplied Bliss with pretty much everything fromgroceries to sporting goods to fudge.

He could eat some fudge. He should stock up on snacks.Sabrina was a snacker.

“You are in love with this woman,” Lucy said, her voicefilled with wonder.

River drew her hand over her throat in a quick motion. Theuniversal sign for shut up. “Ixnay on the ovlay, sister. You know he can’thandle that word.”

He could say he loved baseball. He loved nachos. He was onlyin like with Stella’s waffles. They could be crisper. “I love fucking Sabrina.”

Lucy’s eyes rolled. “Take one word out and you’re there,buddy. So close.”

“It’s all he can do,” River countered. “I’m proud of him.He’s coming to a meeting. He talked to people in the sheriff’s office and noone arrested him for being an asshole. He said her name and the word love inthe same sentence, and he didn’t gag. This is progress. Also, when the hell didyou get so eager to overshare about your sex life?”

He shrugged and looked both ways. A couple of cars wererolling down the lane. It was a busy day. “I don’t know. Everyone is chatty soI thought I should fit in. Come on. Aren’t you always on me for not talking?You kind of get on me about it.”

Come to this party, Sawyer. Don’t work so much. Come todinner, Sawyer. I’ll make your favorite foods.

It had annoyed him but now he wondered. What if it wasn’tabout annoying him and being in some weird rut where one had to invite theirmisanthropic childhood friend to things because it was expected? What if… Whatif Luce and River and Ty were…his family?

This was all Sabrina’s fault. She was trying to de-Grinchhim, and he was happy not hanging with the Whos. God, he even had a dog now.

Was his heart going to grow three sizes?

How did he know this much about a children’s story?

“I think we broke him.” River waved a hand in front of hisface.

Something had broken inside him. Some wall he’d placedbetween himself and everyone else. He wasn’t sure why it had built up so hard,but Sabrina was making it shake.

You do know, asshole. You don’t want to admit everyoneis right about you. But maybe if you do, you might find yourself carving thatroast beast with all the Who kids this Christmas.

Huh, he wondered if the library had Dr. Seuss or if Talbothad stocked the whole thing with pretentious books about art.

“Nah, I’m just thinking about things.” He wasn’t about totell them he was thinking about how fun it could be to have Christmas withthem. Wyatt probably could make some kind of dessert, and Sabrina would have tosit on his lap if they were at River and Jax’s because they wouldn’t haveenough seats. And Bella and Buster would run around looking cute and makingeveryone laugh.

It could be the first nice Christmas he’d had since hismother died. His granddad had tried, but grief had tinged every single one.

He was not doing a therapy thing here in the middle of town.He wasn’t doing a therapy thing ever. But he did have tasks to get through.“Hey, would y’all mind coming to the Trading Post with me? Sabrina’s staying atour place for a few days, and I need girl stuff.”

Lucy’s lips tugged. “I think we can help you out there.”

River threaded an arm through his. “Definitely.”

Why had he ever stayed away from his friends?

“Sawyer,” a voice called out.

He glanced over and there was the man, the myth, the legendhimself. Stef Talbot was looking casual in jeans and boots and a blue Westernshirt. He wore the ensemble often, as if it could make anyone forget he was abillionaire and not a cowboy. Sawyer nodded his way. “Talbot.”