Sawyer stared down at her and then he growled and slammedhis mouth over hers. His tongue swept across her lips and then into her mouth,dominating her even as he pushed and pulled, dragging the rest of her clothesoff and tossing them to the side. Somehow she went from fully dressed to havingonly Sawyer’s hands on her skin, and she didn’t care. She was completely nakedand pressed against the bar, Sawyer’s cock against her pussy, and it feltperfect.
And Wyatt said she wasn’t wild.
“Damn,” a low voice said.
Sabrina turned her head and Wyatt stood by the bar, a smallbag in his hand. Gone was the worried expression he’d been wearing, replacedwith a look of lust.
This was what they needed. Her instincts might not always becorrect, but Sawyer’s seemed on point tonight. They didn’t need to talk. Theydidn’t need to sit down and hash things out in an intellectual way. Theydefinitely didn’t need to discuss their feelings.
They needed to revel in them in a physical way. She told herkids to use their words, but there were also times to put them away, times whenwords didn’t convey enough.
She held out a hand, and Wyatt hesitated for the barestmoments before his jaw firmed and he strode to her.
“This isn’t over, Sabrina,” he said, his voice taking on thehusky tone he used when he was getting serious about sex. And then he waskissing her while Sawyer moved away, ceding his place.
Wyatt’s tongue caressed hers, his hands pulling her closeand winding down to cup her ass so she could feel how much he wanted her.
“Did you clean it?” Sawyer asked.
Wyatt’s mouth came off of hers for a moment. “Yes. And Iwarmed up the lube, but all I could find was regular lube. I think she deservesthe hard stuff.”
Well, he had her attention. “Hard stuff?”
Wyatt’s lips curled in a smirk. “Yeah, baby. When you trashmy bike and hide my wallet, you should have to take the ginger lube.”
“Why would lube have flavors?” Sabrina hadn’t gotten thisdeep with her sister. They’d had some serious sex talks, but not one hadcovered tasty lubricants.
“You wouldn’t eat it, Teach,” Sawyer said with a chuckle.“The oil released by the ginger would make your asshole burn.”
“Burn?” She wasn’t sure she was ready. “I think I’ll takemore spankings, please. Or we could do like a really brutal oral, perhaps.”
Wyatt stared at her for a moment and then his head fellforward, leaning against hers. “You’re going to kill me, Sabrina.”
She brought her hands up to hold him there. “I don’t want tokill you. I want to live with you. I want to be with you.”
“Well, you’re with me for the foreseeable future,” he said,his voice slightly tortured. “You have to be. There’s no other choice. As foryour punishment, it starts now.”
“Sorry, now that I know how much punishment she can rack up,I’ll make sure to keep a solid variety of exotic lubes. Ginger is only thebeginning.” Sawyer sounded…weirdly happy. “We can have so much fun.”
So all she had to do to get Sawyer to toss out hisinhibitions when it came to relationships was to let him torture her asshole.Awesome.
“Give me the plug,” Wyatt commanded. “We’ll have to settlefor this. Sawyer’s right. I’m too emotional to really spank you tonight, buttomorrow I’ll have processed the trauma you put me through and I’ll be ready tothoughtfully smack your ass for everything that went on this evening.”
She was so glad he’d had some therapy. Also she was gladSawyer didn’t keep ginger around. Of course that might change if Rachel Harperhad her way and he got more serious about craft cocktails. She might need togive it some thought.
Then she wasn’t thinking about anything except the fact thatsomeone parted the cheeks of her ass, which meant two men now had a perfectview of a piece of her anatomy she’d never seen before.
What if it was hideous?
“Damn, she’s pretty,” Sawyer said, and she could feel himkneeling behind her. “She’s going to be so tight.”
“She’s only taken a couple of fingers up until now. Let’ssee how she handles a plug.” Wyatt sounded calm and centered.
She’d been expecting a plug. This was something she’d goneover with them. They hadn’t been able to take her together because they’dneeded time to prepare her. When Sawyer had told her he wasn’t staying withthem, she’d thought she’d lost the chance.
“See, now I think I was way too nice when I warmed this up,”Wyatt complained. “I should have made you take it icy cold, but my soft heartdefeats me every time.”
She felt the sensation of warm lube coat her delicate fleshand she shivered. Vulnerable. She was so vulnerable like this, and the feelingwas what made everything so intimate. Her vulnerability was balanced by hertrust in them. She could be open with her body and they would honor her, wouldgive her the affection and pleasure she longed for.