His brother recruited for other skills.
Jeff stepped up. “I know a little, and I brought this pieceof crap you left behind. It’s useless. I barely managed to find the otheraccounts.”
Wyatt took the laptop from Jeff and opened it. The dumbasshadn’t even changed the password. He knew exactly what was wrong. “There aretwo accounts I didn’t keep with the others. They’re behind a wall, but I leftinstructions on how to get around it.”
“If you didn’t hide it, I wouldn’t have to get around it,”Jeff shot back.
“I have to hide it because it was earned through criminalmeans and needs to be laundered before the club can use it, dumbass,” Wyattreplied, touching the keys with purpose. The faster he got them what theyneeded, the sooner he could go back to mourning Sabrina.
Doug grunted. “Well, he’s not wrong. Sawyer, why don’t youget us all a couple of beers while Wyatt finds the info we need.”
“He’ll be so fast you won’t have time for a beer,” Sawyerreplied. “Besides, you already stole from me so fuck you.”
Brutus frowned. “Well, you weren’t here so what else were wesupposed to do?”
“How about not fucking breaking in?” Something nasty wasrising in Wyatt’s gut. His brother was playing games with him. He’d doneeverything he was supposed to do—Wayne thought he’d done everything he wassupposed to do—and this was how his brother kept a deal.
His brother had already cost him everything. Being born intohis family had cost him a normal childhood. It caused him to be arrested forthe first time when he was freaking ten because kids needed to pull theirweight in his father’s narrow-minded world. This life had denied him aneducation, individuality, any form of freedom, and now it cost him the onewoman in the world he’d ever truly wanted.
“How about not being a little pussy.” The new guy had acouple of inches on Wyatt and probably fifty pounds of muscle. “Look, I don’tcare what they call you or if once you got in a decent punch or two. You’re amomma’s boy pussy, and now you’re going to get the job done and you’re going tohand over everything you owe your brother and then you’re going to serve ussome beers and introduce the nice young lady the big guy sent away and thenmaybe, if she satisfies us, we’ll go away. Otherwise, my needs will change andI’ll require some violence.”
“Wyatt.” Sawyer’s tone was a warning.
Somewhere in the background he heard the front door opening,but it was a distant thing. What was far more immediate was the buzzing in hisears.
Everything. These motherfuckers had cost him everything andthey wanted more. They thought Lark wasn’t a person. She was nothing but a dollto play with and toss away. No one outside the Horde mattered. They were kings,and peasants were there for their pleasure.
He hated them.
“Wyatt Kemp, we are going to talk,” a familiar voice said.
“I fucking told you,” Sawyer ground out. “Sabrina, you needto leave. Right now. You go back down to the valley and forget you were heretonight.”
Sabrina was here. She’d walked in the door. It didn’t hithis brain the way it should.
“Now we’re talking,” the new asshole was saying. “Me andBrutus can take this one and Doug and Murphy can play with the brunette.” Hewalked right up to Sabrina—his Sabrina—and put a hand on her. “You and me aregoing to have some fun.”
And Wyatt saw red.
Sawyer had known everything would go to hell the minuteWyatt told him he hadn’t taken his reasonable advice. See, this was preciselywhy he didn’t go to the trouble of giving advice. No one ever took it. Whenhe’d learned Wyatt had broken up with Sabrina, he’d known her pretty ass wouldshow up and likely tonight.
She couldn’t have picked a worst time.
Sawyer started to move toward her and the asshole who’d puthis hands on her. It had been the sight of Sabrina in danger that threatened totake a nasty scenario and push it into ultra-violent territory. Sawyer wantedto kill the fucker, and he didn’t have Wyatt’s trauma responses. If he didn’tdeal with the situation, Wyatt might actually kill the man.
Which would be fine except then Nate would have to dopaperwork, and he hated paperwork.
Sabrina stood there, staring at the man who’d probably spentmore time in jail than she’d spent alive, and there wasn’t a proper amount offear on her face. She needed to keep her mouth closed and let him handle thissituation. Talking to this guy on any level would do nothing but make thingsworse.
It was going to be okay. Sabrina was likely terrified, andfear would make her very submissive. She’d never been in a situation like thisbefore. He would pick her up, lock her away with Lark, and deal with thesituation. All she needed to do was not make things worse.
“Sir, I am not here to find a date, nor am I here to bemanhandled,” she stated in the sweetly bossy tone she used.
He was going to spank her. He finally understood the appeal.Oh, he’d gotten the whole “get his hands on her pretty ass” thing, but thespanking he was thinking of went far deeper. When he spanked her, she wouldfeel his fucking will. She was putting herself directly in harm’s way, and hewas going to make it clear to her how unacceptable it was.
He glanced over and Wyatt had shoved the laptop away, hiseyes going dark and a flush rushing across his skin. He had seconds to defusethe situation. He’d actually seen Berserker Wyatt, and it wasn’t pretty.