Page 53 of Wild Bliss

Sawyer actually smiled. “I can handle that.”

He was overreacting. Wyatt forced himself to take a deepbreath because the truth of the matter was he couldn’t tell from so littleevidence. There were surely other people who wore gloves with red embroidery onthem. It might not actually be red. It was so close to the camera it was hardto tell.

What if this wasn’t about robbery? What if it was aboutrevenge?

“So Gemma found some footage we’ll look into.” The deputyrejoined them, slipped his radio back onto his belt. “We’ve got some bikerscoming up this way about twenty minutes before the cams went down.”

“Bikers?” Sawyer’s body was suddenly straight, his shouldersgoing back. “What were they riding?”

“Harleys. Custom from what Gemma said, and she actuallyknows her stuff. Her husbands build custom bikes,” the deputy explained. “Shesaid they were expensive.”

“And?” Wyatt knew there was an “and” in there somewhere. Hetrusted Gemma’s husbands. Jesse and Cade had built the bike he’d bought acouple of months ago. They would know.

“She said they didn’t look like tourists,” Briggs admitted.

“Fuck,” Sawyer cursed under his breath.

“Any reason you can think of for your brother to come botheryou?” the sheriff asked. “You left on decent terms.”

“If you call them burning his tat off decent terms,” Sawyermuttered, his eyes coming up, gaze finding Wyatt’s.

The sheriff whistled. “So they weren’t happy about yougoing, but you paid the price they demanded. Why would they bug you now?”

“He is the guy’s brother,” the deputy pointed out. “Somebrothers are assholes who play practical jokes on each other. Maybe he came inthinking he would see you and catch up on stuff and when you weren’t here, hedecided to mess around.”

“When I left, I was told I was out forever. I believe thewords my brother used werecast off. I’m not to be acknowledged byanyone in the family.” Wyatt had been cool with it. He’d never wanted to seeany of them again. “I don’t know why he would do it, and I’m not sure I’m soldon it being my brother. There are plenty of MCs out there and even more dudeswho ride bikes around for fun. Some of them cause trouble.”

But not many who wore those particular gloves.

Not many who could have a real reason to fuck with him.

He couldn’t know. His brother couldn’t possibly know whathe’d done the night he’d performed his final act for the club. No one couldknow.

“You’re right,” the sheriff agreed. “We’ll take a look atthe traffic cam footage and see what we can come up with. In the meantime, I’llget this report finished so you can have insurance come out and start a claim.”He tipped his hat. “Sawyer, I’ll get you the info on the new systems.”

Sawyer nodded. “Thanks, Sheriff. Deputy Briggs.”

They walked out, leaving him alone with Sawyer.

“It’s not my brother.” Wyatt refused to believe it. Therewas no reason for his brother to come after him. They’d made their deal. He’dpaid the price.

Oh, but you didn’t. Did you? You made him think you paidthat price in sin and blood, but you tricked the devil, and you’ve always knownif he ever finds out…

If his brother ever learned what he’d done, everyone Wyattcared about would be in trouble.

He was being paranoid.

“Okay,” Sawyer said, sitting down across from him. “But ifit was, why would he be here?”

He couldn’t tell Sawyer, couldn’t tell anyone.

“I’m not sure,” Wyatt said quickly. “What would even be thepoint in coming into the bar and throwing around a couple of chairs? It’s nothow my brother does things. If he wanted a meeting, he would demand a meeting.He would have left something.”

“Did you check your desk?”

“How would he know?” But he was already opening the topdrawer.

Bile rose in his throat because there was a card. It wasred, the color the Horde used.