Page 47 of Wild Bliss

“He says ghost,” her sister countered. “Apparently Dad alsobelieves in the afterworld.”

Sabrina groaned. “It doesn’t matter. Sawyer’s agreed to payHale to fix it.”

Elisa nodded. “I’ll let him know.” She went quiet for amoment. “What happened? Don’t give me the BS you did on the phone.”

She’d spent a good part of the day trying to decide how tohandle her sister. She’d talked around things during their brief phone call.She’d discussed the situation with Wyatt, who’d told her he’d back however shewanted to play it.

She didn’t want to play.

“It was the most amazing weekend of my life.”

Elisa took a long breath and seemed to decide on how toproceed. “So you slept with them.”

It was surprisingly easy to tell her the truth. “I did. Itwas amazing and I’m okay. We talked, too. We spent real quality time together.They’re amazing men.”

“You know about…” Elisa began.

She needed to stop her sister before they got too far along.“I know about Wyatt’s childhood. I know he grew up in a world we can’t imagine,and Sawyer was the one who got him out. Not directly, but Sawyer’s time withthe Horde affected Wyatt on a base level. He taught Wyatt how to value himselfenough to leave.”

“I haven’t heard the full story, but then it’s not likeSawyer talks a lot,” Elisa admitted.“Ithink I’ve had one conversation with him, and it didn’t include a bunch ofwords. It was mostly nods and grunts. So you’re with them now?”

“I am with Wyatt. Sawyer was a lovely weekend, but we’re nota good match.” She rather thought they were. When she was around Sawyer talkedmore, opened himself up. But she couldn’t force him to see that she was goodfor him. She knew damn well Wyatt was good for her. He made her smile, made herlook forward to something besides work. She liked how he was embracing theworld. He’d told her he was going to the library to pick up a copy ofTwilightso he could feel closer to Bella. She was looking forward to discussing sparklevampires with him.

He was adorable and sexy, and he made excellent brownies.

And that thing he did with his tongue…

“Are you sure you want to make decisions based on oneweekend?” Elisa asked, her brow furrowing.

“How long did you need with Van and Hale?” Her sister wasbeing a hypocrite. She pretty much met her men and started seeing themexclusively. She had two boyfriends roughly two days after she’d hit town.Sabrina had taken months to find her men.

Though she hadn’t actually gotten both of them.

Would she mourn Sawyer forever?

The truth of the matter was she should be grateful Sawyerhadn’t put up a fuss about her dating Wyatt. It was obvious the men of Blisstook their partnerships seriously, but Sawyer had simply nodded and wished themwell.

Had the rejection hurt Wyatt’s feelings, too? Would he mournthe loss of Sawyer?

Sabrina shook the idea off. Wyatt knew what he wanted. Itwasn’t like Wyatt and Sawyer wouldn’t be friends. Wyatt still lived with theman and probably would for a long time. They were going to take it slow.

Unlike her sister.

“It was like a week.” Elisa sighed. “As long as he makes youhappy, I’ll be happy.”

“Are you sure?” She wanted to make a couple of things clearto her sister. “I know you’ve worked almost all your life in some kind ofposition of authority.”

“And I’m marrying two guys with really interestinghistories.” Elisa’s lips curled up, and she got the secret smile she always hadwhen she was thinking of Van and Hale. “Van’s parents carted him all over thecountry. We’re pretty sure he was accepted into two actual cults. No formalschooling until he was an adult. He’s been arrested a couple of times. Hale’snot exactly what I would call a people person… Huh. When I think about it wekind of shop at the same store, sis.”

Sabrina laughed. “I guess so.”

Elisa leaned forward, reaching out and putting a hand overSabrina’s. “Hey, you know I’m here for you no matter what. Whether I like theguys you date doesn’t matter, and the last thing I want is to stand in the wayof your happiness. You could have heard Van and Hale’s backgrounds and put up awall, but you didn’t.”

She hadn’t even thought about it. All she cared about washow her sister felt. Luckily, she liked her future brothers-in-law. “Becausethey’re great guys.”

Elisa sighed and sat back. “Mom would have. Mom would havedone anything she could to get rid of them. I can hear her sometimes asking mewhy I’m trying. I already had one divorce. Why do I think this time it’ll work?She would have pointed out every flaw in them.”

“Because she didn’t believe any guy could be great,” Sabrinareplied. “You can’t listen to that voice. Mom put so much of her own trauma onus. There’s not a piece of advice she gave us not steeped in her ownself-loathing. I spent way more time with her than you did. You very smartlygot the hell out when you could. I stayed home because I was scared.”