Page 38 of Wild Bliss

One more day and then she would have to go back to the realworld.

The door opened and Wyatt walked in, carrying a mug. “Goodmorning, sunshine.”

He was so beautiful. His golden hair curled slightly aroundhis ears and he smiled that breathtaking smile of his. She could practicallyfeel the man’s arms around her.

She worried she would always be able to feel them.

“Good morning.” She didn’t bother to bring the sheet aroundher chest. They’d spent so much time naked it didn’t bother her anymore. “IsSawyer out in the shop?”

She’d been into the building Sawyer called his shop. It wasfull of all kinds of tools capable of severing various body parts. Or buildingfurniture.

There had been a lot of sex, but also a lot of talking.She’d learned Sawyer’s hobby was building furniture from recycled wood.According to Wyatt, he spent hours and hours out there. He’d built thebeautiful dining room table and the ones in the living room she thought werefascinating. He’d built the rocking chairs on the porch she hadn’t sat inbecause it was too cold. But she could see how nice it would be to sit there inthe warmer times and watch the beauty of all this nature around them.

Wyatt handed her the mug and sat on the edge of the bed.There was a bit of wariness in his expression now. “Yeah. He’s been there sincedawn, I think. I already took him a thermos of coffee. He might be a while.”

“It’s his thinking place, isn’t it?” At first Sawyer hadbeen completely focused on her, but last night, she’d noticed him pulling away.He hadn’t come to bed with her and Wyatt, telling them he needed to take Bellaout for a walk.

“It’s his hiding place,” Wyatt corrected. “I’m afraid he’sgoing to be in there most of the day.”

“Because he knows I’m leaving tomorrow, and he hasn’tchanged his mind.” She hadn’t expected him to, but it hurt her heart. Over thelast two days she’d grown to like Sawyer. He was taciturn, but it was simplywho he was. It was like having resting-bitch face. He had active-assholepersonality syndrome. Deep down he was a good man, a kind man, but one withwalls he had no interest in tearing down.

“I don’t know.” Wyatt’s big hand came out to cup her cheek.“I think the fact he’s hiding is actually a good sign. He likes to think aboutthings. If he’d completely made up his mind, I think he would be in heregetting as much sex as he possibly could before he has to let you go.”

“You can’t push him into this,” Sabrina warned.

“If I don’t, then how will I get what I want?” Wyatt asked.There were moments when she could see the lonely boy he’d been.

“What do you want, Wyatt?” She needed to hear it. They’dplayed around it. She knew they wanted to take her together, likely tonight.She needed to know if Wyatt wanted more than double penetration.

“I want to see if this thing can work between all three ofus,” he said quietly, his eyes staring right into hers, holding her gaze withquiet sincerity. “I’m crazy about you, Sabrina. I know it sounds dumb, but Isaw you and I knew I’d come to Bliss for a reason. But, baby, we should talkabout my past. I might have been able to stay out of jail, but it wasn’tbecause I didn’t commit crimes. There will be people who don’t think I’m goodenough for you.”

She didn’t care about them. “I don’t live my life byanyone’s opinion but my own.”

“Not even your sister’s?” Wyatt asked.

She’d thought about this in the last couple of days. Oh,she’d told herself she would live in the moment, but she couldn’t help butthink about the future. “I love my sister. She doesn’t get to choose who Ispend my time with. I have some questions for you. I’ve been thinking aboutwhat’s been said over the last couple of days, and I’m pretty sure I’ve beenable to put together some puzzle pieces. Sawyer went into the MC because hisbrother was an asshole who didn’t even appreciate how Sawyer was willing to puthis life on the line to save him.”

One side of Wyatt’s mouth quirked up. “That is accurate.”

“And you were there because your father was the president,and then your brother took over when he died. From what you’ve said it soundsmore like a cult than a motorcycle club. You were raised in their world. Didyou even know what you did was wrong?”

“Did I know running drugs and guns was wrong?” He seemed tothink about the question for a moment. “I suppose I didn’t when I was young. Itwas the family business. I went to school, but I was taught to keep to myself.The only kids I was allowed to play with were the other MC kids.”

“They isolated you. Like a cult.” She’d heard Sawyer use theword to describe Wyatt’s childhood. At first she’d thought he was exaggerating,but as she’d pieced some things together, she’d come to realize how accurate itwas.

Wyatt’s hand came out to brush back her hair. “But I didknow later. I knew what my father taught me was bullshit. I figured out therewas a whole other world out there, and Sawyer’s the reason. The years he spentwith the Horde changed my life. He taught me I didn’t have to be this assholewho cared about nothing but loyalty to a bunch of other assholes. I didn’t haveto accept I would likely spend half my adult life in jail. He gave me thecourage to get out, but I did do things I’m not proud of.”

She didn’t want him to think she was a saint. “We’ve alldone things we’re not proud of. I once kept a library book for three weeksoverdue and I didn’t even pay the fine because the check-out guy liked me. Iflirted with him so he would clear my three dollar and forty-two cent fine.”

“Uhm, baby. We are not the same.” But there was a smilecurling up his lips, and he brought her hand up to kiss it. He sighed. “Ipromise you I’ve left my family behind, and I won’t ever go back. I paid mydebts to the Horde and I’m free. I have a decent job and I’m planning on takingsome business courses at the college in Alamosa. I’m good with numbers, and Ilike the work.”

“Good. Then maybe I can use you sometime.” Given thesituation she was in with the school being so rural, she had to jump on anyexpert she could find. Caleb Burke was already signed on to teach Will andBobby’s anatomy course.

His expression turned wolfish. “Baby, you can use me anytimeyou like.”

“I meant at school.” The man really did have sex on thebrain. “Right now I’m doing all our bookkeeping, and I hate it. Marie said shewould handle it but she kind of scares me, and I think she might be the kindwho questions every expenditure. She said she didn’t understand why we neededso many tissues when all the kids could just wear long sleeves and use those.”

She was almost sure Marie had been joking, but there wasenough doubt she had to consider she wasn’t.