Page 28 of Wild Bliss

Everything her sister’s boyfriend said confirmed what Sawyerhad told her. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Uh, I’m going to give you back to Elisa.”

Elisa huffed. “Coward. Okay, I did know Wyatt wasinterested, but he and Sawyer, well, they have complicated pasts.”

Like she didn’t know that. “He said he used to be acriminal.”

“From what I understand, he was in a rogue motorcycle clubfor a few years,” Elisa explained. “Do you know what a one percenter is?”

“I’ve seenSons of Anarchy. Something like that?”She’d seen the previews at least.

“Pretty much but worse. The Colorado Horde is bad, Brina,”Elisa said, her tone grim. “But from what Nate told me, he went in to try tosave his brother. He got out when his brother went to jail because he tookthings too far and got caught. You should know Wyatt’s older brother is thecurrent president of the MC.”

“But they both got out.” It was all in the past.

“Yes, and Wyatt’s adorable,” Elisa agreed, “but you shouldknow there’s another side to him.”

She wasn’t sure where her sister was going. “Everyone has adark side.”

“You don’t.”

“Of course I do,” Sabrina said with a sigh. “I just don’tshow it, and the violence I would do would likely always be to myself.”


“No. I’m not saying I’m in a bad place, but I have been, andI managed to get out of it. I’ve had dark thoughts. Men who want to truly takeadvantage of a woman don’t lay out all the bad facts and then try to convinceher to sleep with them. They pour on the charm.” Now she could clearly see whatSawyer had been trying to do. Warn her. Wave all his red flags. “He told me hewants to sleep with me while we’re stuck but he won’t date me afterward.”

“Wyatt said that?” Elisa asked.

“No, Sawyer.” What did Wyatt want from her? The situationwas bizarre, but she couldn’t help but be tempted. “Elisa, tell me I’m naïvefor thinking about telling them yes.”

A pause came over the line before her sister spoke again.“Do you think you’re getting a love relationship out of this?”

She was being realistic this time around. “No. I think I’mgoing to get an orgasm, and I would really like an orgasm, sis. I’ve never hada real one before.”

“You can’t be… I suppose you can be serious,” Elisa saidwith a sigh. “I know it couldn’t have been easy trying to date when you wereliving with our mom. And then I needed you.”

She could hear her sister getting emotional. Elisa had gonethrough breast cancer with surgery and chemo and radiation. Sabrina had takencare of her. She couldn’t let her think anything but the truth. “I wouldn’ttake any of it back. I was so grateful I could be there for you. Not a second,Elisa. I wouldn’t change anything.”

“But you don’t have anyone to take care of now. You deservesome wildness,” her sister said, sniffling. “You deserve some joy, and I won’tthink any less of you if you take it. If you can take what he’s willing tooffer and nothing more, then it’s not a bad idea as long as you’re careful.”

“Trust me. I have zero interest in Mr. Hathaway outside ofhis very hot body and what seems like his well-honed skills,” Sabrina admitted.“He’s not someone I would want to spend time with in the real world. I don’tknow about Wyatt. The crime-family thing is a bit off-putting, but I also thinkhe seems incredibly nice.”

“You don’t have to make any decision except whether youtrust them enough to spend a weekend with them. If the sex is bad or you decideyou don’t want them anymore, it could get awkward.”

Or if she was bad in bed. She had to assume Sawyer had a tonof experience. Wyatt, too, since he was stunningly beautiful. And they’d donethis together before. Though apparently only a few times. They were stillprobably good at it. She wasn’t even sure she could have an orgasm.

A huff came over the line. “I know what you’re thinking andstop. You’re not bad at sex. You just haven’t had a lot of it. I think you’llfind most men have low bars when it comes to sex. If you’re willing andenthusiastic, they’ll be happy. I can’t believe we’re talking about this. Areyou sure you don’t want me to set you up with someone…”

“More in my league?” Sabrina asked.

“Not what I meant,” Elisa said quickly. “I meant a couple ofguys who would maybe fit better into your life. I think if you give Marshalland Knox a chance, you’ll see how great they are. One date doesn’t mean athing.”

She didn’t want to argue with her sister. She also didn’tneed permission. Her sister thought she needed to move right into a permanentrelationship, but Sabrina wanted to go a little wild for once in her life.There had been no spark with her sister’s coworkers. They were great guys, andmaybe she would be able to have a more open mind once she’d settled in. But fornow there was only one experience in the world she wanted to have.

Even if it was the worst mistake she’d ever make. “You’reright. I’m being silly.”

Her sister was quiet for a moment, and Sabrina knew she wasthinking about how to handle her. “You’re not being silly. Sabrina, I’m worriedyou’re not built for an affair like this.”