Page 16 of Wild Bliss

“And you’re a weirdo.” He said the words with a smile.

Yep. It was way better when he frowned. “You’re a bully.”

A startled expression took over his handsome face, and theman actually looked hurt. “Am not. I don’t like bullies. I’m sorry. Again. Notsomething a bully would say. I am maybe not so good at handling certainemotions. Like most of them, with the exception of annoyance and anger. I’mexcellent at those. Everything else I’m a little slow at. But I can comearound. So how about you join me and Wyatt for dinner and we’ll see where thenight goes from there. I mean apparently they’re not sending a chopper up torescue you from my clutches.”

“I don’t think you’re going to clutch me.”

He seemed to consider her statement. “How about I promise noclutching. Unless you ask me to.”

“I’m not going to ask you.” Her stomach rumbled. “But I willhave dinner, and I won’t make Wyatt eat alone with you. I bet you don’t evencompliment his cooking.”

“I eat it,” he said like that was supposed to be enough.

What did poor Wyatt have to go through? And what was a onepercenter? Sawyer said it like she should know what it meant.

“I’m taking a shower now,” she announced. “I don’t supposeyou have anything I could change into.”

“I’ll get some of Wyatt’s clothes. They’ll be too big, butthey won’t fall off you. I’ll leave them on the bed.” Sawyer stepped back. “AndSabrina, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. It wasn’t my intention, and despitemy reputation for being an asshole, I don’t like to run around hurting women’sfeelings. Which is why I didn’t talk to you the night of the Christmas party.If I’d talked to you…would you have been polite to me?”

“Of course.”

“Then you might have been safe,” he said.

Again with the confusion. “Safe? And I’m not now?”

“I haven’t decided. The mean thing throws me off.”

Such an odd man. “You are safe from any interest from me,Mr. Hathaway. All I want from you is to fix my electricity and to let me stayhere until someone can come get me. I’ll stay out of your way and you can stayout of mine.”

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen, sweetheart.”

“Oh, and a third thing.” She leaned in, giving him her bestsit down and do your work and stop talking stare. “Don’t call me sweetheart.”

She turned and walked away, Bella hard on her heels.

It was going to be a rough couple of days.

Chapter Three

Sawyer walked into the kitchen, his sparring session withthe luscious Sabrina Leal playing through his head.

And his dick.

“Dinner will be ready in about a half an hour,” Wyatt saidin a tight voice, not looking up from the stove where he stood, stirring a pot.

He was good at stirring a pot. “Did you or did you notignore the requests Marie sent over because you wanted to force a meeting withSabrina?”

Wyatt sighed. “I wanted to meet her, but I didn’t want tocome off like some weirdo. She doesn’t go out a lot, and I couldn’t come upwith a reason to go to the school. I considered adopting a kid.”


Wyatt shook his head. “Well, I considered paying a kid tosay he was like my younger brother or something, but then I realized how itwould probably look so I didn’t do that. Then she started asking about theelectricity and voila. Here she is. I will say I didn’t think she would end upgetting stuck here. I thought she would come to the bar and then I wouldapologize and offer to get her a drink to make up for things, and sure, I’llcome look at your electricity.”

“You’re not an electrician,” Sawyer pointed out.

“Which is why we would have to spend time together,” Wyattreplied. “We would have to find someone, maybe talk about how to solve theproblem. We won’t now because you suck.”

He wasn’t going to argue about the state of his personality.He’d been born this way. “You’re just as good as an electrician since it’s notthe electricity.”