Page 13 of Wild Bliss

“I absolutely did not sleep with her. She just showed up. Idon’t know why she’s here, but you have to come and get her. She says she’ssome deputy’s sister. The new one. The one who’s living with Hale and Van.”

“What?” Gemma suddenly sounded interested. “Are you tellingme Sabrina Leal is stranded on the mountain and she’s going to have to staywith you and the new guy?”

Wyatt wasn’t really new. He’d been around almost… Damn. Hadit been a year? “Yes. That is what I’m telling you.”

“The schoolteacher is going to have to shack up with the MCboys?”

Schoolteacher? She was the new schoolteacher? He’d known shewasaschoolteacher but now she wastheschoolteacher. It waspractically a stereotype. The sweet schoolteacher with the generous hips andsoft breasts and lush mouth. Okay, maybe not a stereotype except in his wetdreams. MC boys? “I have not been in an MC for over ten years, Gemma. Do you wantme to remind you about the time you ripped out Catherine’s fake hair, orwhatever it was you ended up clutching in the viral video we’ve all seen?”

Gemma had a colorful past herself. At least his hadn’t beencaptured for the Internet.

She huffed. “It was Christina Big Tits, and it was heractual hair. And good point. Oh, there’s the sheriff. Nate, Sabrina’s stuck onSawyer’s mountain, and he’s got his panties in a serious wad about it. Likehe’s a fainting, nineteenth-century virgin whose reputation is about to beruined, and he won’t be able to go to the marriage mart.”

She was frustratingly sarcastic. “I am not. But you bring upa point. The schoolteacher certainly shouldn’t be left alone for the weekendwith two men.”

A low chuckle came over the line as the sheriff took over.“Well, we wouldn’t be Bliss if she didn’t. So Sabrina’s at your place and youwant her gone. Interesting.”

“It is not. I am merely trying to look out for her.”

“Nah. You’re trying to keep your distance. Like you did atthe Christmas party last year. You know we’re still talking about it. We have acouple of bets going,” the sheriff said.

“I might want to change mine,” Gemma said, proving they hadhim on speaker phone.

A pit opened in his gut. “Sheriff, you cannot leave thecounty schoolteacher with two dangerous men.”

“Dangerous?” He could practically see the sheriff’s eyesrolling. “From what I can tell the two of you are only dangerous to a bucket ofhot wings. You know for a man of your reputation, you turned out to be asoftie. Look, man, this storm is serious, and don’t tell me I should call DelNorte and ask to borrow their chopper. It’s not happening. We’re in a badsituation, and you and Wyatt can take care of Sabrina. I’ll let everyone knowshe’s safe and warm, and we’ll come clear the road as soon as possible. Now, ifyou have a serious emergency, call me. Until then, let me give you some adviceon how to take care of a lady…”

“Sheriff, do you know what’s going to happen if you leaveher here?” Sawyer asked.

Wyatt pried the phone out of his hand. “She’ll be kept warmand well fed. Don’t worry about us, Sheriff. We’ll take excellent care of her.We’re stocked up and ready to hunker down for a couple of days. You get back toyour important work and thank you.” Wyatt paused and then a smile crossed hisface. “You think so?” Another pause. “Well, we’ll see about that. Give hersister this number so she can call. I think everyone will feel better if theycan communicate. Thanks. Yes. We’ll let you know. Huh, I never thought ofmyself as sweet. I like it. Bye, Sheriff.”

Sawyer watched in horror as Wyatt hung up. “What the helldid you do?”

Wyatt started back for the kitchen. “Saved you from actinglike a fool. She’s a nice lady and she’s here, and we’re not shoving her outinto the night to die. Deal with it. Also, according to the sheriff, there’salways a sweet one and a hardass in relationships like this. Guess which oneyou are? Now, do we have any wine? She looks like a Cab girl. I think it wouldgo nicely with the stew. I’m going to put it on and find something for her tochange into. Her clothes are damp. I think maybe one of my shirts. It’ll belike a dress. What can I make for dessert?”

Sawyer watched him walk away.

He was fucking doomed. Doomed.

* * * *

He was an asshole. Sabrina had zero idea how she’d managedto get here. Well, she did. She’d procrastinated for so long she had to fix theproblem no matter what.

She’d thought she would have more time. The snow wasn’tsupposed to get truly bad until nightfall. She’d gotten caught up in talking toa couple of the parents at pickup, and she should have followed through withher original instinct to go to her sister’s, steal a bottle of wine, and headhome to watchBridgertonfor the fifteenth time. But no, she’d decidedto pull up her big-girl panties and get the job done so she wouldn’t thinkabout it all weekend since she knew she definitely wouldn’t get up the mountaintomorrow.

And then she’d decided it was fine. Her car could totallymake it up the mountain. She’d driven in the foothills of the Blue RidgeMountains plenty of times.

This was no foothill.

Now her car was nestled against a tree, half on and half offthe road, and she was stuck with Mr. Nope and his bestie, who seemed to havegotten all the charm.

Next time she was procrastinating.

If there was any way off this mountain, she would find it.She shivered in front of the fire as both men walked back into the living roomof the surprisingly cozy cabin.

The not-asshole one gave her a smile that threatened to melther insides. He was a hottie. “Well, the sheriff knows you’re here, and he’sgoing to have your sister call. I think you should take a warm shower andchange clothes and I’ll get you a glass of whatever we have while I make us allsome supper. We’ll be warm before you know it.”

“I want to know why she’s here,” the asshole grumbled.