“Finally a good reason to be shot,” Sawyer snarked from hisbed. He gave her a thumbs-up. “You go, Teach. I’ll be here when the sappy stuffis over and you need an or…” He seemed to remember they weren’t alone. “Somemore affection.”
Mel snorted and stepped back. “Sure, son. That’s what you’retalking about. You won’t be getting any affection for a while. You have torest.”
Sawyer’s expression went beyond sad. “But I wasn’t shot inmy dick.”
Wyatt seemed to think Sawyer was hysterical, and River andLucy and the gang chose that moment to make their entrance complete withbreakfast burritos and coffees and tons of stories about what it was like togrow up in Bliss.
Sabrina listened and dreamed of her own blissfully everafter.
Every citizen in Bliss loved Christmas a lot
Except for the misanthrope Sawyer, who did not
He didn’t believe in candies and treats or atinseled-out tree
He thought Christmas cheer shouldn’t be given away forfree
“Hey,” Sawyer said with a frown, looking up from his placeby the fire. “I give nothing away for free, kids. Just because it’s Christmasdoesn’t mean we throw capitalism in the trash.”
Nell stood. “I believe that is exactly what we’re supposedto do at Christmas time, Sawyer.”
Sabrina should have known this part of the annual townholiday celebration would go a bit wild. She’d planned to read the kids aChristmas story, but it turned out to be way more fun to write one herself.
“Well, I’ve got candy for every kid here,” Wyatt announced.He sat beside Sawyer, with Bella in between them. Wyatt was dressed for thefestivities in a green and red sweater someone—likely Teeny—had embroideredwith the wordsHappy Blissmas. There was a decent rendering of Mauricethe Moose wearing a Santa cap. “And hopefully that will make everyone stopkicking me in the shins.”
Wyatt knew how to bribe a kid, though Sabrina noted Paigeseemed to be reserving judgment.
“I think we should talk about your views of late-stagecapitalism,” Nell challenged.
Max Harper groaned as he looked at the two cowboys acrossthe room. “No, Nell. We don’t need to talk about economics. We need to talkabout those two asshole cowboys Stef is letting stay out at his place. Does noone remember the chaos they caused a couple of years back?”
Stella snorted. She stood at the pie station. “Seriously?Are you talking about Shane and Bay?”
Max stood, nodding Stella’s way. “Damn straight. I’m talkingabout those two ass…cowboys who ogled my wife and tried to buy her for thenight.”
“You know Rach was in on that,” his twin pointed out.“Besides, she’s not going anywhere since you knocked her up again. You knowwhat you’re getting for Christmas? The old snip snip, and I’m not taking no foran answer.”
Max seemed to shrink back. “Well, it’s got to wait sinceBrooke’s here. My baby sister doesn’t need to hear talk about her brotherscutting off each other’s balls. It’s not family-like.”
Sawyer guffawed. “That’s right, Harper. Protect thoseballs.”
“Why is everyone talking about Daddy’s balls?” Paige asked.“Which ones? He’s got lots of sports balls.”
And it was time for her to take charge. Maybe a story wasn’twhat they needed. Maybe a bit of exercise was required. “I think it’s time fora Christmas dance off.”
Sabrina got the music going, and the kiddos were happilydancing and spinning around and Charlie Hollister-Wright was intent on provinghe had zero rhythm. Good thing he was cute.
Her sister brought her a mug of mulled wine. “I hear Nellwas in charge of the entrée for tonight. Who thought that was a good idea?”
“You know it was mine. No one ever asks Nell to cook, andshe’s pretty good. I hear her tofurkey is…edible,” Sabrina shot back, her eyestrailing to where her men were sitting. Michael Novack sat in the same generalvicinity, and every now and then Sawyer would tip his beer Michael’s way orMichael would nod his.
They might be best friends now.
The Christmas season seemed to have put everyone in a goodmood. Just yesterday she’d opened a Christmas card from Sawyer’s brother’swife. It wasn’t more than a picture of his brother, wife, and their childgamely smiling at the camera, and she was almost certain his wife had sent it.She’d made note of the address and sent one of their own as well, detailing howSawyer was doing.
It was a start, and no matter what happened, Sawyer had afamily right here in Bliss.