“Deputy, something’s wrong,” Sawyer insisted. “I’m notjoking. You know this is wrong.”
“I know I have a job to do.” Marshall slid into the driver’sside while Knox buckled in beside him.
“Yeah, Harriet this is Deputy Miller,” Knox said into theradio. “We’re on our way back with the suspect, but you should warn the sheriffwe might have a problem. I think Sheriff Wright is going to try to make thingsdifficult.”
Wyatt stared out the window as they pulled away and prayedhe would see them again.
* * * *
Sabrina felt sick as she watched the squad car pull away.She took a deep breath, hearing Sawyer talking behind her. Minutes passed andshe felt completely frozen in place. Every second took Wyatt farther away.
What had happened? She shook her head, trying to bringherself back to reality. “He thought he would be the one to get me in trouble.It’s the other way around. They wouldn’t act like this if they weren’t pissed Irejected them. I can’t believe they took him.”
Sawyer moved in beside her, sliding his cell back in hispocket. “Wyatt knew this could be a problem. He should have talked to us, butwe can discuss it later. For now, we need to find transportation. I don’t wantto leave him alone for long. Nate’s on his way to Creede. He’s taking Gemmawith him to act as Wyatt’s lawyer. He’s sending your sister to pick us up.She’ll drive us there, and hopefully we’ll see him before they take him toColorado Springs.”
“Will he survive the trip?” A shudder went through her. Thiswas serious, and Wyatt was in real danger. She turned and found herself in hisarms. She sank into his strength. “What’s going to happen to him?”
“Nothing.” Sawyer gently tugged on her hair, bringing herhead up so she had to look him in the eyes. There was a hard resolve in thosedark orbs. “He is going to be fine, and we’re going to make sure of it.”
She held him tight, waiting for her sister to show up. Theydidn’t go back in the house, simply stood there, holding on to each other.
His hand smoothed back her hair. “I’m going to beat the shitout of those assholes, though. Fucking with my Jeep. If I hadn’t crated Bella,she would have warned us.”
She shouldn’t have been crated in the middle of theafternoon, but they’d wanted no interruptions to their lovemaking.
Guilt swamped her. She couldn’t have waited? If they’dcaught someone slashing Sawyer’s tires, they might have known something waswrong.
“I can hear you blaming yourself, Teach,” Sawyer said,cradling her close. “Not your fault. It’s not yours any more than it’s Wyatt’s.You followed your heart. They’re trying anything they can to change yourheart’s decision. I’m sure that warrant was a gift from the heavens. And nowthey’re afraid of you.”
They should be. “I meant what I said. They want a war, I’llfight it.”
“Such a savage creature.” But he was laying kisses on herforehead. “I’ll fight it with you and so will Wyatt, but for now we’re going toplay this whole thing cool. We’re going to go to the police station and letGemma ask all the questions. If we need to follow him to Colorado Springs, wewill. Lark can run the bar for a few weeks. Hell, she’ll be thrilled.”
It was the second time he’d offered to give up his preciouswork time. Her heart ached for what Wyatt was going through, but there was acalmness, too. A bit of anxiety had flown away when she’d realized Sawyer wasall in. “And I’ll do what I need to do. I’ve got some people I can call to takeover for me, but I don’t have any vacation time so I might need a job soon.”
Sawyer huffed. “You are not giving up your job. I assure youwe’ll make it work. But it would be best if Nate could find a way to takecustody of him. I’m worried about him going into prison while awaiting trial.If he can’t get bail, we’re going to have to think about…other options.”
She wasn’t sure she wanted to Bonnie and Clyde it the restof her life. “You think you can break him out?”
“No,” he admitted. “But I think I might be able to figureout where he stashed Dennis Hill. You know they say no body, no crime. Well,they mean no dead body. I assure you when I drag a living one in there, they’llchange their minds.”
“Wyatt was trying to save him,” Sabrina pointed out.
“And now I’m going to save Wyatt,” Sawyer promised.
There was the sound of tires crunching on the gravel andSabrina turned, expecting to see her sister. Instead of the squad car, a smallSUV pulled to a stop, the tires the only sound the electric vehicle made. HenryFlanders stepped out, a smile on his face. “Hey, Sawyer. I thought I’d bring bythe wood I found. I think it would make an excellent toy chest. I was hopingyou’d let me use your heavy-duty sander. Hey, Sabrina. I’m getting pretty goodwith making furniture, but Sawyer is a master. Is everything okay?”
Henry went still, his expression going blank as his eyesdarted around, taking in the area.
“Wyatt was just arrested,” Sawyer explained. “Elisa’s comingto pick us up. You should take Poppy home.”
Sabrina realized she could see a toddler girl leaning overas though trying to catch sight of the world outside.
“What’s wrong with your Jeep?” Henry opened the door to thecar and hauled Poppy out, the child wrapping her arms around her father as hesettled her on his hip. “Someone slashed the tires? How long ago?”
This was a Henry Flanders she hadn’t met. Henry was softspoken and always gentle. There was a hard edge to the man in front of her shecouldn’t deny.
“It had to be in the last hour and a half,” Sawyer wassaying. “I think it might have been the Creede guys. They’re the ones whoarrested Wyatt. They were working in Creede which I think is awfullyconvenient.”