Page 71 of Wild Bliss

Tonight it would be easy because he would be focused ontorturing her in the sweetest way.

She held her position, hands flat on the rail of the bar.

“You ever spanked a woman?” Sawyer asked.

Sabrina wanted to know the answer. She turned slightly andsaw a gorgeous Sawyer frowning her way.

“You, eyes front,” he ordered in a deep tone. “Your sass isnot required.”

But her sass was exactly why she was here in the firstplace. Still, she knew she’d pushed both men far beyond their normal boundariesfor the evening. They were overstimulated and needed a safe space to deal withall the emotions of the night.

And apparently their safe space was her ass.

“Yeah,” Wyatt replied. “There was this… Well, we shouldn’tgo into it around Sabrina.”

“There was a woman?” She wasn’t good at staying quiet. “Idon’t mind you talking about your past relationships. I had one boyfriend whosaid he was into spanking, and I got excited until I realized he wanted me tospank him. Not that there’s anything…”

A hard hand came down on her ass, the force shoving herforward. She had to balance to stay on her feet.

“Absolutely not,” Sawyer announced, his hand still on hercheeks. The other found the nape of her neck. “You will be still and take whatwe give you. You’ve misbehaved all fucking night long, and don’t tell me youdidn’t know. You knew damn well I wanted you safe.”

“I made myself very plain,” Wyatt added.

He was wrong. “No, you lied to me and hurt my heart andwouldn’t allow me to serve my primary function in this relationship which is tostand beside you and care about you. So I had to go to a secondary functionwhich is kicking the ass of anyone who’s trying to hurt my man.”

“Not helping your case,” Sawyer grumbled. “And you didn’tkick them. You stunned them. There’s a difference.”

“I’m only trying to say Wyatt’s past doesn’t bother me.” Sheneeded to make it plain. “Neither his past with the MC he grew up in nor hispast relationships.”


Sabrina knew she’d miscalculated when she heard the arroganttone come out of Wyatt’s mouth. He was always sweet with her. She’d never heardhim sound surly and mean, but here they were. He’d had a foot back in the worldhe’d tried to run from and it was affecting him. “I don’t care about yourex-girlfriends.”

Sawyer was busy pulling up the skirt she’d carefully donnedfor her date. It was a flowy thing, something she could dress up or down. Thisevening she’d taken off the cardigan she’d worn to school over a slightly fussywhite blouse in exchange for a V-neck sweater that showed off the curves of herbreasts. She’d also put on some lacy undies because she’d never planned fortheir date to end at Trio.

“I never had a girlfriend, Sabrina,” Wyatt continued asSawyer shoved her skirt up, exposing her backside. “When I was fifteen myfather assigned one of the club whores to rid me of my virginity.”

“What?” This wasn’t something Sabrina was going to sit idlyby and listen to like it was a fun story of his youth. “He had someone rapeyou?”

Wyatt stopped. He’d moved into her line of sight. “Why wouldyou think that? I was a teenaged boy.”

“Being a boy doesn’t mean you wanted it.”

Sawyer’s hand softened as he caressed her. “I’ve told himthis, too. You have to understand we’re deprogramming all the crap they shovedinto his head. I know. I’m usually the problem, but I was just born stubborn.My grandad would have killed anyone who tried to touch me against my will. It’snot the same for Wyatt.”

“My dad wanted to make sure I wasn’t something he didn’twant me to be,” Wyatt admitted. “But I don’t want to think about it tonight. Toanswer Sawyer’s question, yes, I have spanked a woman. Several of the clubwhores enjoyed bondage and kink, and I learned how to please them. Thoserelationships were perfectly consensual. Yes, Sabrina, we called them whoresand they served the MC. They were women who thought they might become oldladies, but once you fucked every guy in the MC, that possibility was kind ofgone. For the men I grew up with, there are two types of women. Wives andwhores.”

He sounded so remote. Only the feel of Sawyer’s warm hand onher skin kept her from standing up and trying to protect herself. Sawyer wasthere, telling her everything would be okay. Letting her know she was beautifuland had nothing to hide from them. It made it easy to ask the question sheneeded to ask, the one that would tell her how far away Wyatt truly was. “Whichone am I?”

His expression softened. “You don’t belong in there in anyway. You’re Sabrina. Those women… They were who they were. They were stuck inbad choices and believed they didn’t have a way out, and some of them enjoyedit and wouldn’t trade their lives for anything in the world. There are nocategories for women.”

He wasn’t far away at all. “And you’re Wyatt and so muchmore than any group of people would box you in as. You make the decisions.”

His eyes narrowed. “Do I? Because it seems like I made awhole lot of decisions tonight no one honored. Where is my wallet, Sabrina?”

It had been a calculated act on her part. She’d known itcould bite her in the ass. “You can have it back after you’ve thought aboutyour actions.”

She’d been planning to give the man a lecture on hurting thepeople he cared about and how thoughtless it was to send a text when thesituation obviously required an in-person discussion, but that particular lineof thinking was cut off by the serious smack of Sawyer’s hand against hercheeks. Pain flared and her eyes watered and…damn, but her pussy clenched. Heatsparked through her, sending waves of warring sensation through her body.