Friends got a man into trouble.
He had to get Sabrina out of here, damn it. This wholesituation had gone deadly. He wasn’t completely certain Wyatt hadn’t killed thefirst man. He was still on the ground.
Sawyer got to his feet as Doug finally pulled a gun,pointing it Wyatt’s way.
“Don’t make me do this, Wyatt,” Doug growled. “I don’t wantto kill you. I don’t have what I need out of you yet, but I’ll fucking do it.I’ll take your head back to your brother and he’ll have to be satisfied withthat.”
The world seemed to slow because Sawyer was absolutelycertain he was about to watch Wyatt die, and then likely Sabrina.
Then it would be his turn.
He’d always thought he wouldn’t care. Life was somethinghe’d endured for so many years, but in this moment, he wanted…more.
More life. More friendship—even if it was annoying—more her.
So much more her.
He had to get to Sabrina. Wyatt would want him to giveSabrina the best chance she could have. If he could get her out of the bar, shecould run for the valley. Nell and Henry’s place wasn’t too far away, and Henrywould protect her. Henry would get Nate.
He never thought he would want to see Nathan Wright darkenhis door, but here they were. He would give almost anything to see Nate and Camrushing in to save the day.
Sawyer forced himself to move because Wyatt wasn’t capableof backing down at this point, and it was going to cost him everything.
Doug shouted again and then aimed right for Wyatt’s head.
Sabrina stepped in behind Doug, and she had something in herhand. Doug’s full attention was on the threat he knew about.
He never saw Sabrina coming. He didn’t know Sabrinaapparently carried around a freaking stun gun.
She touched the stun gun to the back of Doug’s neck, and theman’s body seized and he fell to the floor. It gave Sawyer the chance to tackleBrutus, who’d decided Sabrina was a threat and had started coming at her. Hewasn’t sure where the fourth guy had gone. Sawyer used his forward momentum toslam the bigger man against the bar, hitting his head hard against the wood.Brutus got in one good punch before Sawyer took his head in hand and slammed itagain as hard as he could since the dude was absolutely thick skulled.
“Smart move, babe,” Sabrina said. “Do you want me to stunhim, too? Just to be certain? And what do you want me to do with this?”
Sawyer felt his eyes widen as he turned and Sabrina had herstun gun in one hand and Doug’s semiautomatic pistol in the other. Though shewasn’t holding it right. She grasped the handle between her thumb andforefinger as though the thing was rancid and she was looking for a place totoss it.
This was how he died. Not in a fight. Sabrina was going togive him a heart attack. And yet, he’d liked how she’d called him babe.
Would she still call him babe after he’d smacked her assuntil she couldn’t sit properly? He might find an exotic plug and torture herrectum until she wouldn’t even think of pulling this shit again.
She glanced back at Wyatt, who was now covered in blood andlooked like he might turn into a werewolf at any moment. She didn’t even blink.“Hey, sweetie, the other one ran away and he’s hiding in the men’s room. Do youwant to handle him? I can do it, if you’re too tired. I have pepper spray. Andbear spray. I know I’m supposed to use it on bears, but I think it’ll work onhim, too.”
She was freaking calm.
Wyatt’s jaw actually dropped. “What did she say?” He shookhis head as though trying to clear it. His face fell as he looked around theroom. “What happened?”
She’d managed to shock Wyatt out of his episode. It was arelief because Sawyer worried he was going to have to fight to get him back.Sawyer moved around to the bodies on the floor, disarming them all so no onewoke up and started shooting. In the distance he heard the sound of sirens.Lark had gotten scared, and he didn’t blame her. She’d done exactly what sheshould have. She’d probably been watching on the CCTV cams and decided to riskSawyer’s anger to save their lives.
She would find his anger was going to be directed somewhereelse. Somewhere like Sabrina’s backside.
He didn’t want to think about the ramifications of what camenext. Not with Sabrina. It was fucking inevitable. She’d walked in wheneveryone had told her to stay away. At least for tonight she would be hisagain.
No, he was worried about what happened when Wyatt’s brotherlearned his plan had failed and in the most spectacular and unexpected way.There would be retribution.
“What do you think happened?” Sawyer used his boot to pokeat the first asshole who groaned and proved he was still alive.
“I think Wyatt had a moment when he disassociated from hiseveryday personality and turned to violence because he has unprocessedchildhood trauma.” Sabrina actually smiled. Like this was just a fucking normalday. “You did good, honey. I don’t think you killed anyone. But you shouldhandle the guy in the bathroom. He was rude, and he did not fight fair. He wassneaking up behind you until I hit him with a saltshaker to the head. I used toteach softball to my students back in North Carolina. I was an excellentpitcher.”
Sawyer put a hand to his brow because his left eyebrow haddeveloped a sudden twitch.