He hoped.
Women were unpredictable creatures.
Lark moved into his space. She had a couple of beers on atray because these assholes demanded service. They were lucky they’d broughttheir own women because if they’d tried to… He wasn’t going to think about whatcould have happened. Lark had played her role, and she’d done it beautifully.She didn’t know yet but she was getting a serious promotion.
If they lived.
Lark passed him and handed out the beers to the men hangingaround the pool tables.
They would have one shot.
Damn, but he needed some cover. He couldn’t talk to heropenly, and he needed Lark to make this insane plan work.
Wyatt turned and faced his brother, his hands in fists. “Doyou understand what the sheriff of this town is going to do to you? You killedthose deputies.”
Sabrina gasped, and it took everything he had not to reachfor her. He’d known they would be dead the minute he’d found out the CBI agentwas dirty.
“I did nothing of the sort,” Wayne replied with a smirk. “Ithink you’ll find you’re wanted for killing those boys and for kidnapping a CBIagent. You took him out to the woods and nearly beat him to death, but youwon’t be surprised to find he’s survived. By now your face is likely all overthe news. Everyone will be looking for your ass, little brother.”
There were many flaws in the plan, but he wasn’t going topoint them out. Lark was slowly making her way back, and it might be his lastchance.
“Are you going to pin our murders on him, too?” Sabrinaasked in a shaky voice. “Is that your plan? Because I can see some problemswith it. My sister won’t believe it.”
“Your sister?” Wayne nodded toward one of the men by thepool table, and he stalked over, brushing past Lark and slowing her down. “Areyou talking about your cop sister? You think she can save you from me? Youbetter stay sitting, Sawyer. Or I’ll have to find a new place for you.”
His heart rate tripled because they were going to start inon Sabrina. They were going to make her hurt in order to get Wyatt to talk. Hecouldn’t let this happen. He couldn’t.
Sabrina looked his way and put a hand on his arm. “I’ll beokay. I will. I can handle it. Please, Sawyer, don’t make this worse.”
The man reached down and hauled Sabrina up. Wyatt startedtoward her, but two more of Wayne’s men grabbed him and held him back.
Please don’t let him lose it.If Wyatt lost it,Sawyer wouldn’t be able to work his plan. Wyatt wouldn’t care the world was onfire. All he cared about in that state was taking out anyone in front of him.
He would have to risk it because there was no way he wasleaving Sabrina in their hands for long. He knew she was tough, knew she couldhandle a lot. But the reality of watching her get hurt was far fucking too muchfor him. She might be strong, but when it came to this Sawyer was delicate.
She gasped as they drug her away, one of her kitten heelscoming off as she tried to stay on her feet.
“You leave her alone,” Wyatt yelled.
Lark stopped at the table, her eyes on the scene in front ofthem. Exactly where everyone’s eyes were. Wyatt was causing a scene, and he wasgood at it. “What should I do? We can’t call out.”
He kept his tone low. “Deputy Leal and Henry Flanders arealready in the building. Nate’s on his way, but we’re going to need to avoid ahostage situation. Nate being outside won’t stop them from holding us inside,and then they’ll get desperate. We need to get everyone outside.”
“How?” Lark breathed.
“Torch the whole place, Lark,” he said. “By now Elisa andHenry will have gotten the rest of the crew out. Make some Molotov cocktails.No one is watching you. When they’re ready, light this place up. They’ll beforced to run.”
“Sawyer,” she began, finally looking at him even as Sabrinawas held away from Wyatt.
“Do it. Try to hit the curtains in the back. The ones mygranddad wouldn’t get rid of because he was so cheap.” They were out of place.Filmy and delicate in their own way.
They would go up quickly.
Wayne would have to make some hard choices.
“He doesn’t know anything because he didn’t do it,” Sabrinawas saying as Lark moved away.
A loud smack went through the room, and Sawyer felt frozenin place. Wayne. He’d hit Sabrina. He’d fucking slapped her, and there was ahand mark on her face, and he was going to make this man eat his own colon.