“Nate has a reputation for being thorough,” Sabrina pointedout. “From what my sister tells me he doesn’t allow other authorities to walkin and do whatever they want. Did he show you a warrant? Because I would liketo see it.”
“I don’t have to see it. He’s CBI. His credentials checkout,” Knox shot back. “Unlike Wright, I trust my fellow officers.”
“Because no law enforcement officer ever went bad,” Sawyersaid with a shake of his head. “You know this is wrong. Even if we’reunincorporated, agencies still coordinate with local law enforcement, and it’snot the town a good thirty minutes away. Something is wrong and you can feelit. This is a setup.”
“At least take him to Bliss. Lock him up at the stationhouse and let us figure this out.” Sabrina sounded so reasonable.
This wasn’t a situation where reason would win out. Thedeputies were too far in at this point. They believed they were saving Sabrinafrom the big bad wolf, and anything challenging their perceptions would beruthlessly thrust aside. They thought they were being heroes.
Knox actually seemed to think about it for a moment, butthen he shook his head. “No. You feel free to call Nate, but we have a job todo and we’re not taking any more time. Wyatt Kemp, you have the right to remainsilent.”
Sawyer kept a hold of Bella’s collar when she started to tryto get to Wyatt.
He couldn’t hold back Sabrina. She walked right up to him,throwing her arms around him like she could keep him there.
“I’ll get you out,” she whispered. “I love you.”
He was worried there might not be a chance to “get him out.”If he thought they would simply take him to a jail cell and let the justicesystem deal with him, he would go easily. But someone would be waiting for himthere in Creede. Or Colorado Springs.
“Sabrina, don’t make this hard on us,” Marshall warned.
She turned, her eyes going steely. “Hard on you? You have noidea how hard I’m going to make this on you, Deputy. Can’t take a no, can you?I owe you something because you thought I was halfway pretty and willing togive you some attention? I didn’t owe you anything, but now I do. Now I oweyou, Deputy, and I assure you I will make those payments one way or another.Watch your fucking back.”
“She doesn’t mean it.” The last thing he wanted was to getSabrina mixed up in this. It was everything he’d feared. After the first coupleof days, he hadn’t truly worried she would walk away from him. He worried shewould defend him and die in the process.
“Yeah, she does, and so do I,” Sawyer said grimly. “You knowthis is wrong. You know Nate should be handling this. This is fucked up, andyou’re playing into their hands.”
“I’ll call for backup if you don’t surrender right now.” Itseemed Marshall had chosen the hill he was going to die on. “And I wouldn’tthreaten an officer of the law. We tend to take threats seriously around here.”He glared Sabrina’s way. “Maybe you aren’t the woman we thought you were.”
“Damn straight I’m not, and you’re going to find out,”Sabrina challenged.
“Baby, please.” If he didn’t turn the heat down, somethingwas going to explode, and he couldn’t handle the idea of it hitting his family.
This was what it meant to have a real family. Sabrina andSawyer and Bella were his family now, and he would sacrifice anything for them.He would also trust them. Giving Sabrina a job to do might help her back down.“Baby, call Nate and let him know what’s happening and where they’re taking me.Tell him I’ll be able to prove I didn’t kill anyone.”
He offered his wrists to Marshall.
The deputy turned him around with a rough twist of hisforearm, bringing his wrists together behind his back.
“Come on,” Sawyer complained. “You can’t cuff him in front?How scared are you?”
He tightened those cuffs to almost the point of pain. Angry.The deputy was angry, and Wyatt might be able to make use of that. He wouldhave half an hour to try to figure out how much they knew. He would bet not alot. Maybe the distance from Sabrina would help them think more logically.“It’s fine. Sabrina, I love you.”
She had her cell in hand. Tears shimmered in her eyes. “Ilove you. I’ll get you out as soon as possible.”
“I’ll follow them.” Sawyer kept his hold on Bella, who waswhining now and trying to get to Wyatt.
Marshall put a hand on Wyatt’s shoulder, starting to leadhim to the waiting squad car. Wyatt had to be fast to not trip.
Knox followed behind them. “Good luck following us, Sawyer.Looks like someone doesn’t care much for you. You’re down two tires. Noticed itwhen we came in.”
“What?” Sawyer asked. “You trashed my Jeep?”
Wyatt ducked, avoiding taking a hit as he was pushed intothe backseat. His heart rate ticked up. Why would someone slash Sawyer’s tiresif the intention was to get him to jail? In a jail cell, they could do whateverthey wanted to him. They could arrange for an accident, or they would find himalone and call it suicide.
But the jail scenario couldn’t be countered by Sawyerfollowing them.
“I sure as hell didn’t do it.” Marshall slammed the door.“It was already done. I know you don’t understand this, but I’m a policeofficer. I follow the damn law. I don’t break it. And we’ll discuss the threatsyou two have made at another time.”