Agreeing to go along with this hadn't been easy, but how could she deny Miguel when it was clear this was what he believed he needed in order to be able to commit to any sort of future with her?
Wasn't like he’d done it in a blackmailing kind of way. Agree to do this or I won't be with you. He’d explained his reasoning, his fears and concerns, why he thought this would be helpful for him, and while she didn't necessarily agree that this was what he needed to move forward, how could she tell him that she knew better than he did what he’d been through?
So she’d agreed.
To one month apart before they officially became a couple.
One month.
One very long month that right now she had no idea how she was going to survive.
When he’d first told her that he needed to prove to himself that he wasn't so obsessed with her and a life with her that he could spend a month away from her without being consumed with the need to turn to drugs it hadn't sounded all that bad. A month was only thirty days long—well, technically, thirty-one, but the extra hadn't seemed so bad—it should be easy enough to not see him for that amount of time.
Texting was supposed to be out as well, but she’d negotiated it in, saying that she understood why he felt he needed this time to prove things to himself, but she had needs, too, and one of them was contact with him. So they texted a little, not as much as she would have liked, but enough to get through each day knowing she at least got to tell him she was thinking of him and know he was thinking of her in return.
That helped enough to make the separation bearable, and she did have a lot to keep her occupied. Medical appointments, counseling sessions with Piper, debriefing and several meetings with the cops and Prey as she gave her statement several times over. There had also been a lot of spending time with her team and trying to rebuild those bonds that had been the foundation of her whole life these last several years since they joined Prey.
Spending time each day with her Athena Team girls, and the guys was actually helping. They’d all stepped up to be there for her, but she still missed Miguel.
The first week he hadn't left her side. Although he’d told her about his need to spend an entire month away from her as soon as she’d regained consciousness in the hospital, he’d assured her he wasn't bailing right away. He’d stayed with her in the hospital, taken her home when she was discharged, and looked after her those first few days. It wasn't until she was able to do things for herself again that he kissed her goodbye and promisedthat once he was confident he was never going to put her in danger from his addictions he’d be back.
There was a little thread of anger at him leaving when she still needed him, Ella couldn’t deny that. But there was also compassion and understanding because she recognized that Miguel was trying to do the best he could with what he had. She also understood that he truly believed this was something he needed to do.
It just sucked.
With a sigh, she shoved off the couch and wandered over to the kitchen. Ella wasn't really hungry, she still hadn't reclaimed her appetite, but she wasn't sure if it was the lingering effects from the concussion or just because she was missing Miguel so much.
Still, she grabbed a bar of chocolate and wandered back over to the couch, flopping down onto it. A headache still pulsed at the back of her head most days, but nothing compared to how bad it had been those first few days. There were other bruises and several gashes, including a couple that had needed stitches, littering her body, but most of the pain from them had been overshadowed by her head.
At least the dizziness was gone now, that had been a nightmare.
Not that she was really regretting those few days she and Miguel spent mostly snuggled up side by side in her bed as she slept off the worst of the concussion symptoms. Even as exhausted as she’d been, as bad as the pain, nausea, and dizziness had been, she wouldn't take back those days for anything.
Now, all she had to do was get through the next three weeks and then she could have a whole lifetime of moments just like that.
Of course, they’d had the discussion before Miguel went that there were no guarantees about the future. They were right at the very beginning of a relationship and hadn't even officially put a foot on the track yet. Despite all of that, they both felt what was between them, both knew it had the potential to become an all-consuming love affair that would last until they took their final breaths.
Even then she believed their souls would find one another in the afterlife. That she and Miguel were destined to be together for all eternity.
“It’s only another three weeks,” she reminded herself aloud.
Three weeks.
More than actually.
It felt like a lifetime.
A knock on her door had her dragging herself back to her feet, the forgotten chocolate bar tumbling to the floor as she stood. Not bothering to retrieve it she headed for the front door, already knowing who would be there.
Her Athena Team girls.
They came every morning. Not too early as she still found herself needing a solid ten hours of sleep minimum, but early enough that she wouldn't be tempted to make herself lunch. That was their job now, well apparently, it certainly seemed like it since they’d been there around ten every single morning. One of them would drive her to her appointment with Piper in the afternoon, and then they’d all eat dinner together.
Athena Team was temporarily on leave from Prey, and they all needed it.
All of them had been victimized by Dora Hibbert and Raul Castillo, and they all needed to heal. Individually and as a team. They’d allowed the mole to come between them, and while things might not ever be exactly the same as they’d been before, Ella was confident that she could move forward and keepworking at the job she loved with the people she loved even if they’d hurt her when they doubted her.
As predicted, when she opened her door all three of her friends were standing on her doorstep, along with their guys. It hurt a little to see the happy couples, but even though she missed him, Ella was still proud of the fact that Miguel was so determined not to repeat his parents’ mistakes.