Page 40 of Fighting for Ella

Okay, maybe more than a little.

It helped to know she wasn’t completely alone. She had Eagle and she had Miguel. Only two people, but way better than zero.

“Checking to make sure you're okay,” he said, straightening and taking a step toward her. He stopped just shy of touching her and Ella found herself almost overwhelmed by the need to throw herself into his arms.

What she wouldn't give to soak up a little of his soothing calm right now. It was just that she no longer knew where she stood with him. They were back home, his job was over, and he had no obligation to stick around, and yet he had and that left her feeling so confused.

Maybe she would have outright asked, too tired to play any sort of games, and with no mental energy to figure this man out, but then she caught sight of more people coming down the hall and immediately stiffened.

Her team.

With their partners.

Panic fluttered to life inside her. She wasn’t ready to see them yet. Might never be ready. Perhaps she was being overly sensitive, after all, she knew what she was making things look like when she took the drug, but she felt what she felt. It was that they just believed she was a traitor so easily. She’d expected better from them, more, expected what she would have given in their place.

Noticing her panic, Miguel looked over his shoulder, and when he saw who was coming, he shifted slightly so he was between her and her team. His protectiveness eased a little of her fear and she could just kiss him for being so in tune with her feelings and actually caring enough to do something about it.

“Ella? We were hoping we could talk to you?” Lucy asked, sounding uncharacteristically uncertain.

There was no way she was ready for that. Whether she was being overly sensitive or not, right now, she could barely stand to look at these three women, let alone talk to them. Her emotions were way too raw, and she didn't want to fall apart, or have the energy for it at the moment.


When she’d had time to process everything that had happened.

“Please,” Scarlett added when she didn't answer. “We know you must be tired, so we won't take up much of your time.”

“We shouldn’t have doubted you,” Cassie blurted out, tears shining in her eyes.

“No, you shouldn’t have,” she agreed softly.

“You took the Reactivator on camera,” Tate said, and she winced at the hard tone of his voice. It was clear while maybe her friends felt bad about doubting her their men didn't. Even if she could move past their lack of faith in her, how could she ever work with them again when their partners obviously didn'tlike her? There was no way she was petty enough to make them choose between the loves of their lives and her, so it left them at an impasse.

“Because if I didn't make it look believable my family, including my five-month-old nephew, would have been blown up. I arranged for emails to be sent to let you know where it was in the event I didn't make it home,” she explained wearily, wondering if there would ever be a time when she didn't have to defend herself.

“You didn't call,” Scarlett said, sounding hurt, but if their positions were reversed Scarlett would have protected her family however she had to as well.

“Couldn’t risk it knowing the mole could have tapped phones and be listening. Whether you agree with my decisions or not, I did the best I could to protect my family and the Reactivator at the same time, whatever the consequences to myself.”

“Your friends would have been there for you,” Luis lectured like she was some stupid kid. “Do you have any idea how upsetting it was for them?”

“Back the hell off, man,” Miguel growled, and she rested a palm on his forearm to calm him—although she appreciated him being the only one on her side—and stepped around him, no longer willing to hide behind him. She’d made her choices and done what she had to do, she didn't need to be ashamed of that.

“Actually, yeah I do,” she said calmly. “I remember when we were faced with “proof” that Scarlett was a traitor, and I never once believed it. Not for a single second. I was on the phone with the rest of you when Lucy’s plane went down, and I remember the terror I felt. Same fear as when I got the call that the lab had been blown up with Cassie inside. Never once did I doubt any of you, it never even entered my mind. I was just scared for my friends, the people I loved and considered family. If you can't understand why I would feel upset about not getting thatsame love and support, then I don’t think there’s anything to talk about. I'm going home.”

“I’ll drive you,” Miguel immediately offered.

Managing a smile for him, Ella shook her head. “Thank you, but I think I need a little time on my own to come to terms with the last few days and think about my future.”

“Ella, you aren't thinking of quitting Prey are you?” Cassie asked, sounding aghast.

Not willing to get into any discussions tonight, not before she’d had time to think, Ella ignored the question. Instead, she stood on tiptoe and touched a kiss to Miguel’s cheek. “Thank you for saving me. Over and over again. Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt even though you didn't know me. And thank you for being here for me tonight, it made me feel a little less alone.”

With that, she turned and walked away, feeling very much like she was leaving Prey and her team behind for good.

February 8th

5:01 P.M.