Page 38 of Fighting for Ella

Even in the dull light of the guards’ flashlights, Miguel could see the rage brimming in Raul’s dark eyes. “I know you took her. I know she wouldn't have risked her family’s lives to go with you. I know you have her stashed out here somewhere. You pulled her out of the river, my man saw you, but he was on the other side and couldn’t get to you. She’s out here somewhere and if you don’t produce her then you won't like the consequences.”

To highlight his words one of Raul’s men pulled out a vial that Miguel was sure was filled with the arousal drug the man had already tried using on Scarlett, Lucy, and Cassie without result. If he had to take a hit of the drug he’d do it. Didn't mean he was going to give up the fact that Ella had already been rescued. And the whole time all he’d be thinking was how glad he was that he was the one suffering the effects of it and not Ella.

“I've yet to see how this works on a man, it should be interesting,” Raul said, watching with glee as the man closest to Miguel delivered a blow to his stomach, shoving the air from his lungs and making him sag to the ground, while another approached with the drug.

Even though he wasn’t fighting back the men got in a few more blows before the one with the syringe knelt beside him.

Just as the needle was about to prick his skin, the man holding it suddenly dropped as a shot tore through the night.

Chaos ensued.

Bullets were fired.

Men screamed as they were hit.

Bodies dropped.

Miguel rolled to the side, slamming his bound wrists against his backside to break the zip ties, his gaze searching for Raul. The man wasn’t getting away again. For whatever reason, the team who were supposed to be getting Ella out of there were saving his behind, and while he was grateful, he’d rather know Ella was safe.

To keep her safe Raul had to die.

Simple as that.

Catching sight of the man darting away like the coward that he was, Miguel jumped to his feet and took off after him.

“No. You don’t get to run away.”

The voice had him freezing.

It was Ella’s voice and coming from just up ahead of him.

Why was she there?

Why wasn’t she safe?

“What are you going to do to stop me?” Raul sneered, and Miguel about had a heart attack.

The last thing he wanted was Ella anywhere near that man.

But as he kept moving forward, he saw that not only was she near him, but she was holding a gun on the weapons trafficker.

It wasn’t even shaking.

The look in her eyes was something he hadn't seen on her before. It was a mixture of fear and determination. She wasn’t going to let the man who had caused her and her team so much suffering get away alive, even if she had to be the one to pull the trigger.

“It’s over, Raul,” he said, trying to move slowly to get between his girl and the dealer. While he was so proud of Ella for what she wanted to do, he didn't want her to actually have to do it. Whether the man deserved it or not, taking a life would change something in her, something she’d never be able to undo.

Ella’s gaze flicked to him, and he could see relief in it.

Knowing that she cared about what happened to him touched a place inside him that had been hardened by the neglect of his biological parents. Knowing that she was likely the reason the SEAL team had just saved him an unpleasant few hours with a rock-hard erection and no way to get off softened that place of abandonment every child who’d had parents who abused them had inside them.

“It’s not over,” Raul announced before underestimating his opponent and rushing Ella, likely intending to take the weapon from her then use it to kill her.

But Ella was strong.

Stronger than Raul understood, stronger even than Miguel gave her credit for.

Because she fired.