Page 89 of Fighting for Ella

Since she had bills to pay, of course, she was going to have to get out of bed sooner or later, but Ella didn't want to think about that yet. Nor did she want to think about how being with Miguel wouldn't mean falling asleep in his arms every night or waking up each morning with the heat of his body soaking into hers.

Reality was that with his job, Miguel would be away a lot. Sometimes for months at a time. There were special days he’d miss, birthdays and holidays, and if they had kids then sometimes, she’d feel like a single mom. It would suck not to be able to be with him every single day, but she knew who he was and what he did when she fell for him, and having spent this pastmonth without him Ella knew for certain she’d rather have him as much as she could than not at all.

“I can hear you thinking,” Miguel’s voice rumbled through the chest she was using as a pillow. “Second thoughts?”

The vulnerability in his voice made her sad. Miguel hadn't conquered his demons for her, he’d done it years ago for himself because he wanted a better life than his parents had, but he’d solidified his faith in himself for her. So, he never let her down by letting his issues touch her, and she wanted to do the same for him, wanted to never let him down, so he always knew how much he was appreciated and cared for.

Shifting so her chin was propped up on his chest she met his gaze. “I’m not having doubts about you, Miguel. Not now, not ever. I was just thinking of how much I'm going to miss you when your team gets called out and you're away. I know it’ll be hard at first, but we’ll figure out a system that works for us and our kids.”

“Kids?” Miguel asked with a lazy smile that made her stomach flutter.

“I’ve always wanted a big family, at least four kids, so now’s the time to speak up if you only want one or two,” she informed him.

The smile grew bigger. “I don’t care how many kids you want, honey. I’ll have a dozen if it makes you happy.” His smile faltered. “It is going to be rough being with me though, El. I will be away a lot. Sometimes, I won't even be able to give you a warning first. I’ll just get a call and have to go. I could be away a couple of days or a couple of months, and I won't ever be able to talk to you about it.”

It was clear Miguel was concerned about this, and while she was absolutely not looking forward to it, she also absolutely believed they would find a way to make the best of it. “Miguel, as long as you are one hundred percent present when you're homethat’s all I'm ever going to ask of you. I know your job, I work at Prey so I'm familiar with security clearances, and I do believe we can make this work. I'm all in.”

“All in,” he said softly like he enjoyed the sound of the words and what they represented. “I'm all in, too, honey. And I promise you here and now that when I'm home you’ll get all of me.”

“That’s all I ask,” she assured him.

“And you have it.” Miguel touched a kiss to the tip of her nose. Then his hand, which had been resting on her hip, dipped a little so his fingers could brush across her center. “So you really want a whole lot of kids?”

“Mmm,” she moaned as he found her bud and began to circle it slowly, teasingly. “Yeah. A whole bunch. I loved having three sisters and always knew I wanted at least the same number of kids my parents had.”

“By the time Luis and I went to live with our foster parents, their four biological kids were already adults, so it’s always just been the two of us. I think I like the idea of a big family though.”

“Big families mean always having company, someone to play with and talk to.” Ella sucked in a breath when the tip of his finger edged inside her only to disappear as he resumed trailing lazy circles over her bundle of nerves.

Two could play that game.

“If we want a big family we should probably get in lots of practice,” she told him as she grasped his erection and began to slide her hand up and down his length, loving the way it jerked at her touch.

“Oh yeah, honey, I agree.Lotsof practice.” Miguel’s hands moved to grasp her hips, and he lifted her up so she was straddling his thighs.

“Mmm,” she moaned again as his tip nestled against her entrance, teasing her, teasing them both if Miguel’s expression was anything to go by. “All positions.”

“Definitely.” Miguel sucked in a breath as she sank down just enough to take the first inch of him inside her. “Should probably try out different locations in the house, too.”

“I'm down for that.” Ella’s head tipped back as she took another inch.

“Different times of the day, too.”

“Maybe we should just stay here and keep practicing.”

“I'm down for that. Who needs jobs anyway?”

Ella giggled. “I’m thinking we do if we want a dozen kids.” A dozen was really too many, but she’d take four or five, even six. Cute little boys with dark hair and eyes, loyal and strong, protective just like their daddy. And adorable little girls with her blonde hair and green eyes, ready to conquer the world because they’d know from day one that they could do anything they set their minds to.

With a house filled with love, laughter, and a whole lot of noise, she’d never feel lonely again. Hadn't felt lonely since Miguel had appointed himself her friend and protector, then grown to be so much more.

“Let’s start trying,” she said, sinking the rest of the way down until Miguel was buried deep inside her.

“For real?” His hands—still on her hips—stilled her when she tried to roll them to create the friction she needed. “You want to start trying for a baby?”

“As soon as I go off birth control.”

“We’ve only known each other a couple of months and spent hardly any time together. You really want to try to get pregnant this soon?”