The whispered word came through his comms and enraptured as Miguel was by the music flowing from the stage it took him a moment to process it. Once he did a proud smile lit his lips. That was his girl up there, making music like she was born to do.
Ella wasn't just good she was out of this world phenomenal.
Every single person in the room appeared to be almost breathless as they stared at the stage, unable to tear their eyes away from the woman weaving her bow across the strings and making magic happen.
It was like with each note that tumbled from her cello she was casting a spell, locking everyone in a sort of stasis where the only thing that existed was her music.
The expression on her face was beautiful, too. There was a peace that had been lacking when he went to her in the dressing room. Then she’d been a ball of anxiety, so close to falling aparthe’d been worried that she might not be able to go through with this even though he knew she wanted to.
He shouldn’t have underestimated his girl.
Of course she had what it took to get up there on stage, knowing she was playing bait and yet making music like she didn't have a care in the world.
Miguel knew she’d been uncertain she could draw a big enough crowd when they threw this concert together in just a handful of days, but she shouldn’t have worried. As soon as it was splashed across social media the concert sold out in a matter of hours.
Listening to her now it was obvious why. This was different than when he’d listened to her practice the last few days. Then she’d been playing just for him and for herself. There was no way he’d thought that she could be any better. But the moment she walked out onto that stage to a round of applause it was like something took over her. Somehow, she was even better tonight in the packed-out concert hall, like she was feeding off the atmosphere, taking it and drawing it into her playing.
“Whoa,” Beckett “Ace” Morgan murmured again. “She’s something else.”
“Never heard anything like it,” Mark “Bubba” Wright whispered, the awe clear in his tone even though they were spread out around the hall.
“Next time she does a concert I'm bringing Avery,” Cole “Rex” Kingston said.
“Ditto,” Forest “Phantom” Dalton agreed. “Kalee would love listening to this. Anyone would. Classical music isn’t usually my thing, but the way she plays, it’s like she’s pouring her entire heart and soul into it.”
“She’s amazing,” Miguel said, his pride for his girl growing. He liked knowing how deeply Ella affected those around her. Still as much as she touched others, it was nothing compared towhat she did to him. When she played she spoke to his soul, she soothed his fears, she filled him with confidence that he could keep himself in check and reach out and grab hold of the future he’d never allowed himself to wish for.
Unfortunately, tonight wasn't just about listening to Ella make magic.
Tonight was about putting an end to a nightmare so his girl could have the future she deserved. What he deserved was still up in the air as far as he was concerned, but Ella should have the whole world and he couldn’t deny that he wanted to be the one to give it to her.
So as hard as it was, Miguel shoved the music out of his head and focused instead on the people sitting in the audience. They were all staring enraptured at the stage, their focus on the woman filling the room with musical notes. There was no indication that any of them were there for any reason other than to listen to Ella.
Was he wrong about this whole thing?
There had always been a chance that Dora Hibbert wouldn't take the bait and show up there tonight. For all they knew, maybe she really had fled town and was hiding out somewhere else, she certainly had the funds to do so.
Even though that was possible Miguel didn't believe it was likely.
Every bit of profiling they had on people like Dora said that they wouldn't give up. Just because they didn't know why she’d decided to target Athena Team there had to be a reason. People were rarely illogical, there was almost always a reason for the things they did and said. Whatever this reason was, it was important enough to Dora Hibbert for her to go to extreme lengths to target all four team members relentlessly.
There was no way she would give up.
She’d be there, he felt it in his bones.
All that was in question was when would she strike?
Surely, she wouldn't do anything while Ella was up on stage playing, that was a sure-fire way for her to get herself caught. Chances were, Dora would wait until after the concert then try to slip backstage. If she’d bought the whole thing about Ella deciding to leave Prey then she might believe that Ella was no longer under their protection, that she was fair game tonight.
It had killed every single Prey person not to be there tonight, and to keep their distance the last couple of days. They all wanted to prove themselves to Ella and there was no better way than to be watching over her. But if Dora saw one of them then she’d know she was being played, and she might decide going after Ella wasn't worth the risk.
Between his team and Rocco’s there were a dozen men there tonight to have Ella’s back, keep her safe. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to protect Ella. Nothing. It was why he would walk away from her if it was the only way to keep her safe. She had to come first.
Hours ticked by.
Ella played piece after piece, keeping everyone enthralled. The energy in the room only grew with each new piece she played, and even though he was sure she must be getting exhausted, she didn't show it. The smile never left her face, and when she allowed her gaze to roam the audience, she seemed to beam that smile down to each person she saw like her music was for them personally.