Page 63 of Fighting for Ella


February 10th

2:55 P.M.

How hadan hour flown by already?

Felt like only a couple of minutes ago she had assured Miguel that he could wait in the car, that she could do this on her own, and nervously knocked on the little house’s front door.

From the second Ella met Piper face to face, she knew that this would help. There was just something about the woman’s warm, compassionate brown eyes that told her everything was going to be okay.

It was more than just knowing what Piper had been through at the hands of an obsessive stalker who blamed her for losing his job at Prey. It was a deep feeling of being understood. Not only had Piper lived through a horrific ordeal, but that ordeal had also started with an obsession, the same way this mess with her and her team had.

In the entire history of Prey there had only ever been three times the company had hired someone who turned out to be unstable and evil. Once was before her time and had almostwound up costing Fox the woman he loved. Once was with Piper and the man who blamed her for getting him fired. And the third time was the mole now determined to get their hands on the Reactivator.

How could she not feel a connection to this woman?

“Thank you, Piper, for not just letting me talk but for sharing with me, too,” she said as they walked side by side toward the front door.

“You don’t have to thank me for that, Ella. That’s part of how I work. I share because I know how important it is that nobody should feel alone. If talking about what happened to me helps someone else, then I do it. It’s not fun, but I care about every single person at Prey. Genuinely care about you all. Whatever your role at the company, you help make the world a better place and that means I’ll give you all one hundred percent.”

“You couldn’t not,” Arrow said, appearing in the living room door with his six-month-old daughter nestled in his arms.

“Thank you for bringing your family all the way over here for us,” Ella said to the man who hadn't hesitated to hop on a plane with his wife and baby daughter because she needed help.

Arrow smiled at her. “We’ve all been there, Ella. All been in that place where we need help. There’s no way I’d deny anyone that help, especially since my wife is the best,” he teased Piper who blushed and waved her hand like it was nothing, but her eyes lit up anyway.

“I don’t know about being the best, but I do know I’ll give you my best, Ella. All I ask is that you give me your best in return.”

“I will,” she said solemnly. And it was true. Her life felt like it was spinning out of control, and she had no idea how to right it again, but she knew she was going to try. With everything she had to give. “I better get going.”

“Yeah, put that hulk out there out of his misery,” Arrow said, turning teasing eyes in her direction.

Like Piper, she blushed. Miguel had come there for her, it was his idea to bring her, and even though she’d assured him it wasn't necessary, he’d decided to stay and wait until she was done rather than going somewhere for an hour and returning to pick her up.

“Miguel is one of the good ones,” Piper assured her as she opened the front door.

“He is,” she agreed. That didn't mean she had a shot with him.

“Same time tomorrow,” Piper reminded her.

“I'm … actually looking forward to it,” she admitted.

“Talking to a shrink isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be,” Piper said with a chuckle.

Wasn't that the truth. Or maybe it was just that Piper didn't make you feel like you were talking to a shrink just chatting with a friend.

Saying her goodbyes she hurried across the street to Miguel’s truck and found him sitting in the driver’s seat, sweaty and glowering.

“What's wrong?” she asked immediately, his angry energy soaking into her the moment she slipped into her seat.

“Someone was watching the house.”

When her hands shook at his words, Miguel reached over, grabbed her seatbelt, and did it up for her. “Watching the house? Watching me?”

“Given they ran when I approached, I'm going to guess watching you,” he replied, starting the engine.

Icy dread filled her.