Regardless of how this ended up, she had to play it out.
Still, that was easier said than done when the sound of approaching footsteps told her she was about to meet the man who had caused her friends so much pain and suffering.
When Raul stepped into the room, looking all cool and crisp in his white shirt and black suit pants, a surge of anger wiped away some of her fear. Just because she wasn’t cut out for this kind of high adrenalin, life-threatening stuff didn't mean she wasn’t protective of the people she cared about. Scarlett, Lucy,and Cassie were like sisters to her, she loved them, and this man had hurt them.
How could that not make her angry?
“Ms. Whitlock, would you like something to drink?” Raul asked like she was a willing guest in his home instead of being there only because she was being blackmailed and threatened.
“I don’t want anything to drink. I'm not here for fun, Mr. Castillo,” she returned, pleased with herself when her voice came out frosty, the thread of anger she felt evident.
Apparently, that amused Raul because he was grinning as he took a seat on the white leather couch opposite the one she was sitting on. His gaze was greedy, though, when it landed on the bag she held clutched on her lap.
As anxious as she was to get this wrapped up and get the threat to her family eliminated, it looked like the weapons trafficker was every bit as anxious.
“Is it in there?” Raul asked, obviously happy to drop the caring host act and get down to business.
Tightening her hold on the bag, Ella nodded. “I have it in here. But once I give it to you, you have to tell your partner to remove that bomb. I won't give you the formula until I know that my family isn't going to get hurt.” This was a gamble, but it was the only leverage she had, and she had no choice but to play it.
Of course, Raul had his own scientists, the ones who he had intended would follow the formula and make him the drug. Given a bit of time, they would realize that this drug was nothing more than a random combination of whatever she could put together at short notice so she had something to bring with her.
All she needed was a short window, though.
As soon as Raul got the mole to disarm and remove the bomb from underneath the house, she could alert Prey to her location and this would all be over.
There was the chance that Raul would refuse until she wrote down the formula, but she had to play this confidently if she wanted any chance at getting what she wanted.
Clearly he was amused again because laughter danced in his dark eyes as he reclined back on the couch, crossing an ankle over his knee and watching her. She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking or if he was going to go along with her demands. He had her trapped out there, he could torture the information out of her if he wanted to. She already knew he was impatient to get the intel he’d bought from the mole, so the chances of torture in her near future were high.
“I’ll make the call,” he finally announced.
“You will?” she asked, totally surprised. She’d expected a little more resistance.
“The bomb will be gone by tonight. You will start writing out the formula for my scientists after dinner. Dinner is, of course, my treat. I will have my chef prepare us a feast and you will dine with me. After that, you will get to work.”
Better than she had been hoping for.
The thought of sharing a meal with this man made her feel nauseous, but at least as soon as he showed her proof that the bomb was gone, she could call in Prey. While she waited for them, she could start writing up something that would pass for the formula while she waited. It would take the scientists too long to figure out she was playing them. By the time they did, Prey would be there, and everyone would be taken into custody.
Possibly herself included.
But at least her family would be safe, and she would make Prey see she never intended to betray them.
“I’ll need proof your little mole removed the bomb,” she warned.
Raul chuckled like he thought she was the funniest thing he’d ever met, but he nodded. “I’ll pass along your instructions.”Then he pushed to his feet and stalked toward her, all traces of amusement gone, his gaze now dark, betraying the evil inside him. “But you even think about trying anything, and I can guarantee you won't like the consequences. I've had it with you and your team. I will get that formula, nothing is going to stand in my way. And my men have been waiting a long time to enjoy some fun.”
With that warning resting heavily against her, Ella watched Raul walk away and wondered if she’d gotten so deep in this mess that there was no way out.
February 6th
6:05 P.M.
He’d been bidinghis time.
Waiting for the perfect opportunity to make contact with Ella, and this was it.
If Miguel had accosted her while she was sitting in the lounge room waiting for Raul to show up, he would have tipped his hand. It was pure luck that he hadn't been discovered yet.