I can’t believe she’s finally back by my side. Truly, it’s a blessing and I was starting to lose hope of that ever happening. We spent time with Meli while her ankle was x-rayed and put in a cast. Since it’s a small fracture no surgery is needed, and she’s discharged but told someone needs to stay with her for the next twenty-four hours, so we decide to take her to the clubhouse.
My mom and Meli chat all the way to the clubhouse, Meli is clearly feeling good because of the pain medication they gave her. It’s kind of nice how they’ve taken to each other and my mother is coming out of her shell a little bit. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that she’s back. If I’m being honest, it’s a relief knowing my grandfather isn’t going to try to snatch her away again. Even with the grief of his death bearing down on me, I feel lighter and more carefree than I have in my entire adult life. I’m still a bit wary about what Ven and his club brothers have planned for my evil uncles. But I feel certain that they’re gonna hear my mom out and make her a part of the decision-making process.
While my mom and Meli are talking nonstop about weddings, my mind wanders back to Ven and what’s going on back at the farm. I know that everyone else calls the Grayson spread a ranch, but I grew up thinking of it as farm and old habits die hard. I don’t care about that farm, not one little bit and I suspect my mom feels the same way. It’s a door best closed for good in my opinion.
Ven is definitely a door worth opening though. He’s the most fascinating man I’ve ever met—in addition to being kind,generous, protective, and willing to put himself in harm’s way to help me rescue my mother. He’s rough around the edges, rides hard, and plays harder. He comes to bed late, wakes me up and wears me out with amazing orgasms and then gets up early the next day to protect our town and kick ass. I can’t help but smile as I think of him.
And I keep on smiling right up until I get to the clubhouse and see the gaping hole in the front where the prospects have hung a tarp over. Ven had told me about an explosion, but seeing the damage with my own eyes, makes me realize how close I came to losing him.
I pull around the back, I see my mother gaping at the damage to the front of the building as we drive past. She just stares and stares some more before whispering, “Has the building been damaged long? Is it safe for us to go inside?”
“It wasn’t like this when I left this morning, mom.”
Meli speaks up. “Do not think about what could have happened. My Serp and his club brothers have faced worse.”
I glance at her in my rear-view mirror and see her give a slight shake of her head. She’s absolutely right, now is definitely not the time to think too much about whatever happened here. I personally feel as though today has just been one mini crisis after another. We all need to slow our roll and take a breather.
We help Meli into the clubhouse and head straight up to Ven’s quarters. Once the door is closed and locked, all thoughts about what’s going on outside fade away.
I make Meli comfortable in one of Ven’s recliners where she can put her foot up. My mother prowls around his kitchenmaking us tea, I try and stop her because she’s been doing enough for my grandfather and his men for the last few months, but she stops me and says that she needs to keep busy. So I let her potter around.
Just the three of us hanging out feels right. When I start to get to my feet to help, Meli grabs my hand. “Tell me about Rage. Are the three of you together now? Is that why Ven said he was part of our family?”
I must have looked confused.
In that moment, she clarifies, “I speak of ménage à trois. Three people, one love. I do not judge.”
I can feel my cheeks burning and I shake my head. “No! Absolutely not! Nothing like that!”
This woman destined to become my mother-in-law settles back in the chair and says, “Tell me. I must know.”
I sit back on the sofa, I’m probably not the best person to explain this to her but I’m going to try because I’m still not on board with them assuming she’s going to happily run with the idea of Rage becoming her bonus son.
Thinking it over for a second, I choose my words carefully. “I believe Ven always wanted a brother.”
“Yes,” Meli agrees. “When he was a child, he wished for a brother.”
“Well, he made a blood oath of brotherhood with Rage. The vowed to have each other’s back for the rest of their lives and live as true brothers, rather than just club brothers.”
Her eyes sparkle with interest. “Oaths were taken?”
“Yes, I think they want to be involved in one another’s lives, look out for each other like brothers would.”
My mother walks in carrying three mugs of tea and hands ours to us. “The more the merrier, right dear?”
I smile up at my mom and nod. “Yeah, I suppose. Rage doesn’t have anyone in the way of family, so he jumped at the chance.” Taking a sip, I drop the ball. “They were hoping you might even accept Rage as a kind of surrogate son, since he likes you so much and never had a mother of his own. What do you think about that idea?” I ask casually.
Meli’s eyes light up at the suggestion. “I never thought I would have the opportunity to have another son.”
“Ven thought you might like the idea.”
“Indeed I do,” she murmurs as she sips her tea.
We talk for a couple more hours, until we’re all utterly exhausted. Siege had gotten the prospects to make the room next to Ven’s suite ready for my mom and Meli, so me and my mom help Meli into bed and I make sure both of them are settled before I head back to Ven’s suite.
I grab a quick shower and fall into bed. I worry that I won’t be able to sleep for worrying about Ven, but I find that sleep comes up on me, hard and fast, overwhelming my desire to stay awake until he gets home.