‘Participating in a very dull ‘lessons learned’ activity at work and doing some detective work on a massive incoming transaction to my bank account. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?’

He grinned. ‘The money arrived safely then?’

‘Yes. It was a shock, but thank you. I wasn’t expecting you to do that.’

‘I know you weren’t, but I wanted to help. That should cover Greg’s share of the house, shouldn’t it?’

‘It’s more than enough, but I don’t mind moving. I need a fresh start.’

‘We’re having a fresh start already, aren’t we?’ he said. ‘Jim told me the rented flat you’re getting isn’t that good.’

‘It isn’t, but it’s only temporary until I can find somewhere permanent.’

‘This way, you can keep the old house until the right place comes along. Or we get somewhere together. But it’s entirely up to you what you do with the money.’

What had he just said? ‘We’re getting somewhere together?’

‘We could do if you want that too. I know I do.’

‘I guess that makes sense. Sorry, you’ve just caught me by surprise, that’s all.’

He flinched.

‘Are you ok?’

‘I’m not looking as pretty as I was when you last saw me.’ He turned to his full face the camera.

Lisa gasped. He was sporting a massive black eye, so swollen he could barely open it. ‘Ouch. What does the other guy look like?’

‘Tall, blonde and furious.’


‘Adrienne. My lesson learned for today is don’t buy a three-carat diamond engagement ring for someone who doesn’t give a shit about you.’

‘She punched you?’

‘Yeah. Turns out she’s got a cracking left hook. She didn’t like me threatening to release the video of her playing away with the pool cleaner if she sold any more exclusive stories.’

‘I thought you said it was her tennis coach?’

‘I did, but when I asked my PA if she’d noticed anything, she said it was odd that the pool cleaner came so often. So she checked the security camera feeds, and lo and behold, my pool’s been getting a service several times a week, and so has Adrienne.’

Poor Nick. ‘You wouldn’t get that problem in Camden.’

He chuckled. ‘No, and not just because I wouldn’t have a swimming pool.’ He looked at her intently for a moment. ‘Are you around if I come back to London?’

Her heart skipped a beat. ‘I thought you were filming?’

‘Not looking like this, I’m not. The best make-up artist in the world couldn’t hide this shiner. They’ve reorganised the schedule. I’m not needed back on set for a fortnight.’

She smiled. ‘I guess I could be available.’

‘That’s handy, seeing as I’m already on my way to the airport.’


Lisa sat at the far end of the dining table, smiling at Nick. She’d officially worked her last day in her old job. The change from Nick’s generous donation had paid for enough studio time for the Stars to record their new album next month. Her bags were packed, ready for her to fly to LA tomorrow with Nick while he finished filming his latest movie. She was the happiest she’d been in a long, long time.