Page 46 of Be Less Panda

‘Only if you’ve been giving Hans an English lesson. I thought those were cancelled now.’

‘They were, but they’re back on again.’

Olivia looked surprised. ‘And you’re telling me off for going back to Pierre.’

‘That’s completely different. Hans and I have never been a couple. He helped me out today, so I decided to forgive him for leading me on.’

‘You did? And how did he help you exactly?’

Nancy was mentally and physically exhausted. She’d already been through the story of how and what she’d discovered today with Hans. She’d much prefer to update Olivia after having something to eat and a rest. ’It’s a longstory. I’ll tell you tomorrow. It’s Friday night. Shouldn’t you be out with Pierre?’

‘Pierre is visiting a restaurant this evening with his brother. They’re thinking of investing in it. My opinion isn’t required, apparently, so I’ve got all night to listen to your story.’

Nancy sighed. ‘I’m really sorry.’

‘About Pierre dismissing me for the evening or you not feeling up to distracting me with something interesting? If it’s the latter, will a glass of wine help?’ Olivia asked, getting up and heading towards the fridge.


Madame Dubois was working in the shop when Nancy arrived the following morning. ‘Ah, the very person,’ she said, looking over her specs at her. ‘Can you come into the office, please? Carol can mind the shop for a few minutes.’

They both looked at Carol, who had her head in a hardback copy ofPride & Prejudice. ‘Carol!’ Madame Dubois shouted. Please put down Mr Darcy for a few minutes. We’re leaving you in charge.’

Carol dropped the book in surprise. ‘Sorry, Madame,’ she said, picking it up and scuttling behind the till.

Nancy followed Madame Dubois into the back room.

‘Take a seat, Nancy.’

Madame Dubois settled into her old captain’s chair behind the desk while Nancy sank down into the low chair in front of it. Given how perfect the rest of Madame Dubois’s furniture was, Nancy wondered if she deliberately kept this chair’s upholstery saggy so she could intimidate whoever was sitting in it. It certainly felt as if Madame Dubois was towering over her.

Madame Dubois raised an eyebrow. ‘About yesterday afternoon. Is there anything you want to share with me?’

How much did she know?Keep it vague, Nancy.‘Were you thinking of anything in particular?’

‘A little bird tells me you were admiring the view across the street from the second floor?’

Had Philip grassed on her? He’d seemed keen to keep her secret. ‘Really?’ Nancy kept it non-committal.

‘Monsieur Martin said he wanted to thank you for rescuing the lovely Mimi.’

Not Philip, then. ‘Mimi decided to visit your apartment. I thought I better evict her.’

‘But not before she left some cat hair in one of my rooms. My client didn’t appreciate my sneezing and snotty nose.’

‘Which room?’ Nancy asked as innocently as she could.

‘Never take up acting, Nancy. It’s quite obvious you know exactly which room I’m referring to.’

‘I got her out as quickly as possible,’ Nancy said.

Madame Dubois leaned back in her chair. ‘But she shouldn’t have been there in the first place. How did she get in?’

‘She opened that door herself.’

‘You expect me to believe that?’

‘It’s true, I promise. She must have stood up on her hind legs and pulled down the handle. We used to have a cat at home that could do that. Cats can be quite clever when they want to be.’