Page 41 of Be Less Panda

‘I am guessing that you are not going to school tonight.’ He grinned.

‘No, I’m not. I’m not planning to go to school tonight or any other night. It means we’re working tomorrow, so we should go to bed early.’ She flushed at what she’d just said. Perhaps that wasn’t such a bad idea. From the look in his eyes, he appeared to be thinking the same.

She tilted her face up and tentatively brushed her lips against his. He hesitated for a moment, then kissed her back. His lips were soft against hers. As their tongues met, her whole body felt on fire. Kissing Billy hadn’t been a patch on this.

‘Let’s go home,’ he murmured as he pulled away.

She smiled at him as he took her hand and led her through the maze of streets. She held his jacket tightly around her shoulders and imagined having the rest of him wrapped around her very soon.

It seemed to take forever to arrive outside his apartment door. By the time they got there, Hans looked on edge. ‘I’ll see you to your flat.’

‘We’d be better off at yours,’ she said. ‘Olivia’s home tonight, and your bed’s bigger than mine.’

He shook his head and avoided eye contact. ‘Dieter will be home soon, too. Perhaps this is a good thing.’ He started walking up the stairs.

‘And what’s that meant to mean?’ she asked as she followed him.

‘I don’t want to take advantage of you.’

‘I’m not that innocent if that’s what you’re worried about.’

They were outside the door to her flat now. She leaned in to kiss him, but he backed away.

‘You’re an amazing woman. But I won’t make you happy.’

‘I don’t understand. You already make me happy. I’d appreciate it if you could make me even happier.’

‘We should just be friends. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I’m so sorry.’ He turned to walk away.

What the hell was going on? There was no way he didn’t mean that kiss. It wasn’t as if she’d pinned him down and forced her tongue down his throat. And what about Sunday afternoon? If they hadn’t been interrupted, she was sure something would’ve happened then.

‘Your jacket,’ she said, holding it out to him.

‘Thank you.’ He took it from her without looking her in the eye. ‘Good night, Nancy.’

How dare he just walk away like that! She heard the door to his flat click shut, and the bolt go across. That sounded final. She got her keys out and let herself into her own flat.

Olivia was in her bedroom, putting curlers in her hair. ‘Was that Hans’ voice I heard? I thought he was away?’

‘It was Hans. And I’d rather not talk about it.’

‘Why? What’s he done?’

‘It’s more what he hasn’t done.’

‘You can’t leave it like that. Dish the dirt, Nancy.’

‘We kissed.’

‘At last. And?’

‘And nothing. He apologised and dumped me on our doorstep.’


‘In every sense of the word. I’m going to bed. Alone.’