She noticed his record player on the table in the corner.Why not take it back to him?
No time like the present. She unplugged the player, grabbed his bag of records, and headed downstairs to the flat below.
Dieter answered the door.
‘Is Hans in?’ she asked.
Dieter grinned. ‘Good timing. He’s cooking lunch for me and Ingrid.’ He took the record player out of her arms. ‘Hey, Hans. Your English teacher is here.’
Nancy spotted Hans bending down, looking in the oven.
He turned around and smiled. ‘Hello, Nancy.’
‘I didn’t realise you’d be busy. I brought your records back.’
‘Thanks. Would you like to stay for some food? I am cooking beef bourguignon.’
She better not mention that she’d eaten the same dish last night. ‘That would be lovely. Are you sure?’
’There is a lot,’ he said. ‘It will be ready in five minutes, I think. Please sit down at the table.’
Dieter got another knife and fork and put them down in front of Nancy.
Ingrid smiled. ‘It’s nice that you’re here to even up the numbers.’ She raised her eyebrows at Nancy. Was she matchmaking now? Hopefully, Olivia and Ingrid wouldn’t join forces. If she was as unsubtle as Olivia, between them, they could ruin whatever chance Nancy had with Hans.
Nancy changed the subject. ‘I didn’t realise you cooked, Hans.’
‘Dieter doesn’t, so I have to. Not that I mind.’
‘And I enjoy being cooked for,’ Ingrid said. ‘Which means you’ll need to learn if you want us to have a future together, Dieter.’
Dieter looked worried. ‘Hans will have to give me lessons.’
Hans put the casserole in the middle of the table, along with a dish of mashed potatoes. ‘Help yourselves,’ he said, sitting down next to Nancy.
Ingrid distributed the food. Nancy tried a mouthful of the stew. It was even tastier than last night’s bistro offering.Another tick in the box for Hans. ‘It’s delicious,’ she said.
They chatted about their weekends. Nancy noticed how the banter between Dieter and Hans was similar to the way she and Olivia spoke to one another. She was glad he had a close friend. It must mean the world to him with no family to turn to.
The topic of conversation turned to last night’s party. ‘We had a great time. Why did you leave so early?’ Ingrid asked Hans.
‘I wasn’t in a party mood after Nancy left.’ Hans glanced at Nancy.
‘I’m sorry I had to go. And I’m sorry how my father behaved,’ she said.
‘It’s not your fault. Though it could be awkward in future.’
What did he mean by that?Stop overanalysing everything and just enjoy being here.
‘I think we should leave now,’ Ingrid said to Dieter when everyone had finished eating.
‘Should we? Why?’ He flinched as Ingrid kicked him under the table. ‘OK. We’re going.’
‘Enjoy the rest of your day,’ Ingrid said as they headed out the door. ‘I’ll make sure Dieter isn’t back until late tonight.’
As Nancy had suspected, Ingrid was as subtle as Olivia when it came to fixing people up.
‘I’ll help you clear away,’ Nancy said to Hans once they were alone.