Although, evidently, Mom still had some concerns.
“It’s not really about payment. It’s more about having something to do while I’m here.”
“Kenzie! That’s not right. You can’t start a job without knowing the rate. What if he doesn’t have the money?”
“It’s not a job, Mom. He’s helping me out, and I’m helping him out.”
“He’s helping you out how, exactly?”
Damn it, now what was I going to say? Telling her about thesabotage of my car was going to send her through the roof. Telling her that Jensen and a bunch of former Navy SEAL guys were so concerned about my safety that they were taking turns watching me around the clock was enough to freak me out. I couldn’t imagine what that news would do to my parents.
“He’s just…” I stretched my neck from side to side, trying to come up with something to say. “It’s a small town here, Mom. I can’t do any work. I was going a little stir-crazy, so when he mentioned needing some assistance setting up online stuff for his businesses, I was more than happy to help. He doesn’t need to pay me. I have plenty of money.”
My mother was uncharacteristically silent for so long, I thought maybe our call had gotten disconnected.
“Please tell me he’s not in his fifties with a potbelly,” she finally said.
“What?” I couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Mom. He’s around my age. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s been a big help with some of my car issues. He’s not taking advantage of me, I promise.”
And he very definitely did not have a potbelly. I didn’t have to see him without a shirt to know that; those sexy Henleys he wore hinted at an impressive physique.
“You like him,” Mom whispered. I could hear the excitement in her voice.
“It’s not like that.”
“So you say.”
“This is not a vacation, Mom.” I washed out my cup and set it in the rack to dry. “I’m not here to have a travel romance. I just want this stalker thing handled so I can go back to my life.”
“But is he handsome? He is, isn’t he?”
I let out a sigh. “Yeah, Mom. He’s super hot, okay? Like, belongs on the cover ofHot Small-Town Mechanicsmagazine.”I was joking, but honestly, it wasn’t far from the truth.
“I’d subscribe to that.”
I chuckled at my mother’s muttering and hung the dish towel over the oven handle then walked into the tiny living room.
“Okay,” Mom said. “Well, there’s no reason why you can’t have a little fun with your handsome mechanic while you’re there. You haven’t done much dating since Alan.”
“Yeah, well, a black eye, bruised ribs, and a dislocated shoulder made me a little gun-shy when it comes to guys.”
“I’m glad that rat bastard is still in jail. Do you know how many women don’t press charges in situations like yours?”
It was one of the reasons I had, even though it had been difficult and humiliating. Alan had gotten two years in prison and wouldn’t be out for another six months. I’d like it better if he were in there longer, but I’d deal with that situation later.
“I know. But I can’t focus on Alan right now. We know he’s not the stalker since he’s in jail. So, one thing at a time.”
“You’re right, sweetie. Any good trails around there?”
I grinned. “You know, I didn’t look.”
“Hiking is practically walking, and walking is excellent exercise.”
“And in Denver, I walked over my step quota every day.”
“With all the air pollution.” Mom let out a heartfelt sigh. “I swear, I don’t know what I did wrong with you. It’s like you’re scared of the great outdoors.”
I was always going to be more like my dad than her in that regard, much to her dismay. And even if I loved outdoor activities, right now they weren’t an option. Not with the?—