I won’t hold it against her, though. I don’t think anything could make me not want to be with her every waking moment.
Let’s just say, it’s been an incredible week to be married to River Marie Judkins Tate.
My thoughts are interrupted by another complaint about something in the game. We’re almost all here, since Milo said he’s on his way. It’s that golden hour when, after our typical Saturday routines with our significant others, the brothers gather on the top floor in the penthouse suite. We turn on a game of whatever sports is happening at the time and watch a couple different ones on our various phones. Sebastian’s work is never done, but being married to Elianna means he’s learned to step away sometimes.
Sebastian’s assistant, Drake, arrives with black vinyl bags of takeout food from a wing place in Denver.
“You’re always clutch, man!” I tell him, rising from one of the leather sofas to clap his hand and pat his back. We all join in helping Drake set out the food. I get an auto-text saying River’s car is finally repaired and ready to be picked up.
“Have a seat and some food,” Sebastian says to Drake. Often, Drake declines these offers, but this time, he sits and starts whooping and hollering with the rest of us over the agony and the ecstasy of American football.
We dig in, and Alec pauses between bites long enough to ask, “Where’s Milo?”
“He said he’s coming,” Henry says. There’s a clip to it, as if he were saying,Leave him alone and let him come and go when he pleases.Henry knows firsthand how it feels to have everyone worry and fuss over you when you’re not around. Because he married Quinn again, those memories are in the past.
The discussions, shouts, and groans over the various games grow quiet when there are timeouts and commercial breaks, and that’s when Oliver, in his typical way, goes deep.
“So, with Milo not here yet, I can ask. How are the women in your lives doing?”
It’s met with groans and rolled eyes about how Oliver’s always trying to bring up non-sports related questions. But then Henry surprises us all. “I think it’s good to talk about stuff like that.” He takes another bite, chews, and swallows. At seeing our stares, he lifts his shoulders. “What? I was gone for so long that I didn’t get the chance.”
After a moment, Alec pipes up. “So? If you think it’s such a great idea, why don’t you go first?”
“Me?” Henry says. “Oliver should.” He gestures to Oliver with the wing in his hand. “He’s the one who brought it up.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” Oliver plunks down in a chair at the table. “Let me just say I always thought it was weird whenever couples would say, ‘we’re trying for a baby.’ Like, TMI, am I right?” He shunts out a breath and gives us all a wide-eyed look. “But guys? Sophie and I are trying for a baby.”
The shouts are deafening, and everyone stands to give him a high five or a pat on the back.
“Is this common knowledge?” Alec asks, his gaze on the table and a sloppy grin on his face. “Can I say something to Oakley about it?”
“If Sophie starts craving pickles or something, we’ll know what’s going on,” I offer.
“It’s still early in the process. It could be a while.” A smile slides across Oliver’s face. “But it’s a process we will enjoy.” His grin widens. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the Tate family genes of being substantial baby makers manifests in us, if you know what I mean.” He wags his eyebrows, and the room erupts in cat calls and cheers.
I’ve got a celery stick dipped in ranch hanging out of my mouth when Milo comes in through the door. Immediately, the room goes quiet because he’s grinning so much his face is glowing. He’s pretty much always smiling, but right now? He’s giddy.
His always glossy hair is almost billowing in a windstorm only he can feel—like he’s a model in a photo shoot. He’s dressed in tan khakis and a green Henley. Not his usual attire of sportswear and slides with socks.
I hurry to finish with the celery stick, but before I can say anything, Sebastian beats me to it.
“Nice of you to finally join us.” Sebastian darts a glance at the clock like he has to leave soon. It’s his burden to carry. The business is always on his mind.
Milo doesn’t respond. He’s in his own world as he walks to the corner and collapses on a small sofa that’s not even facing the TV.
“Hey Lolo, what’s going on?” I ask him. “Want some wings and carrot sticks?”
He looks back, like I’ve startled him, the same starstruck grin on his face, but he doesn’t answer. He turns back around to stare out the window.
Sebastian’s on his feet in seconds, going to Milo. “Hey,” Sebastian says. He has one hand on his hip and the other’s fingers are snapping. “You okay?’
Everyone joins us to stare at our baby brother.
Milo blinks rapidly, like noticing all of us for the first time. “I’m fine, Zeb.” He chuckles, like just remembering the punchline to a dad joke. He rakes a hand through his hair. “Carry on with the football. I have to think for a second.”
“Fine by me,” Alec says before going back to his spot on the enormous, eight-person sectional. “Looks like he’s completely lovestruck to me.” The rest of us just stand there, our arms folded, our gaze going between the game on the big screen and Milo.
“I’m getting a call from Sophie,” Oliver says, holding up his phone and walking to the corner to answer.