Yup. Gabriel’s dad really does not like me.
“M-Mom did a great job with the reception,” I offer. I’ve never called Celine “Mom”. . . never intended to. I glance at Gabriel, who frowns, his gaze on the scenery across the lake.
“Yes, she did,” Thomas concurs. “Someone had to do something. Can’t have a Tate go off and get eloped, can we.” But it’s a statement, not a question.
“We . . . well, circumstances being as they are, it made sense.” How does one explain to their fake father-in-law why they got married, without him knowing it was fake?
“We don’t need to explain ourselves to anyone, River,” Gabriel assures, sliding his hand in mine.
My lips are still pulsing, and I resist the urge to run my fingertips over them—a sort of tactile reliving of what happened.
“But yeah,” Gabriel continues. “We’re grateful to Mom for throwing us this party.”
Thomas only nods. “How is married life for the two of you?” His eyes narrow on me and then Gabriel.
“Amazing.” I hope I don’t sound defensive. But I might, a little.
“I heard you’re living up on the mountain.” Thomas gestures to the ridge high above us. It’s starting to get dark, so despite Celine’s carefully planned lighting, it’s getting harder to see.
“We are,” Gabriel says. “It’s a nice little place nestled into the trees.”
“Sebastian and Elianna are your neighbors, apparently. But they’re giving you some time before they come knocking on your door.”
“Well, we’d love to have them over to the cottage. We’d love to have everyone over.” Gabriel’s hand tightens in mine. Is that a natural reaction to the thought of his dad in our home or is he trying to tell me something?
An echo of sadness hits me. I know Gabriel and his father used to be close. I hope this marriage helps heal that bond they used to have. “But not all at once, obviously, because there’s not enough room.”
Thomas nods as if he knows full well the size of our house. And why wouldn’t he? He probably knows a lot more than he’s letting on about this whole situation. I shiver at the thought and lean in closer to Gabriel. My feelings for Gabriel are complicatedright now, certainly, but dang it, I’m going to play the part of the loving wife if it kills me.
That kiss killed me.
Utterly wrecked me. Which is a disaster in and of itself.
“There you are,” Celine’s voice rings out in the night air and she lifts her dark maroon gown as she picks her way through the thick grass to us.
She slides in close, lifting her arms to hug us each individually.
“The reception is beautiful,” I say. “I’m grateful to you.” I’m surprised when a lump forms in my throat. Referring to her as “Mom” was as foreign as if I’d spoken Tagalog. I haven’t called anyone that for so long.
“It was an honor. Thank you for letting me.” She sighs and tosses a glance through the trees at the intimate event going on without us. “It was my first big project since I got sick. I’m happy I had the energy.”
“What about the photo albums? I thought that was your big project, Celine.” Thomas’s voice is gruff, but the way he looks at her, it’s clear he’s completely in love with her.
“It was.” She laughs. “But the kids helped with it so much it didn’t seem hard at all. I need to show you photos of Gabriel. Please tell me you’ve seen pictures from his childhood.”
“A few, yes.”
“Good because you have to see what your future children could look like. Spoiler alert, they’re going to be adorable.” She smiles and cuts a glance at Thomas.
The lump in my throat gets larger and larger and I’m scared I won’t be able to swallow at all. I open my mouth to say something. Anything.
There won’t be any children from us. There never was going to be.
So why do I feel something like loss now?
Chapter 24