“Well, you know what they say about turning lemons into lemonade, right?” River grins at me and winks, then turns back to my family, her baby-brown eyes glowing. “It was sort of like that for us.” She continues to hold my hand, and I can’t help but think that, in a matter of days, there will be a ring on this finger.

Wait. I have to find one first.

“You all know about the unfortunate incident in Prague, right?” she says, and I groan internally. Or maybe outwardlybecause she looks at me. “It happened. There’s no going back. We’re moving forward.” She squeezes my hand tighter and shakes it a little. “It’s all good!”

The air changes and all eyes go past us. I don’t even have to turn to look because I know it’s my dad.

It’s August but things turn icy, and for a moment, I take in my siblings’ faces. It’s all so varied, the relationships we each have with him. Sebastian’s eyes glower before he turns to his wife, Elianna. They exchange a look, like there’s a current between them, as if she’s saying,I’ve got your back.

Oliver is standing behind Sophie, both arms wrapped around her. He smiles. Oliver wasn’t as hurt by our father’s callous ways growing up as Sebastian was, still, it’s not like they have a good relationship.

Henry and Quinn, reunited at last, are smiling, but I think that has less to do with Thomas Tate and more to do with the fact that their four-year-old daughter, Navie, is on Henry’s shoulders, pulling his hair.

Then there’s Alec, and he and Oakley are the only ones sitting at a table. They seem to be sharing a look of resolve, like they know they need to grin and bear this.

Milo is staring, like it’s a car accident and he can’t look away.

“Please, don’t let me interrupt,” Dad says, his gaze briefly flicking to mine before he reaches Mom. “Princess,” he says quietly as they embrace.

River is more than happy to redirect the conversation back to us. “So anyway, after the ‘incident,’” she uses air quotes. “I found out about it because I’m in PR, and Gabriel and I were in contact. And he did his great big walking quest thing. And, I don’t know. It just happened.”

Henry balks. “Prague’s nine hours ahead of Colorado, so how did you manage that?”

River throws her head back, giggles, and then points to Sebastian. “Why do you think I’ve been coming in late to work sometimes?” She cringes. “It was morning for me. Sometimes we’d talk during his dinner.”

I nod, reminding myself to engage. “She’s right. We fell for each other quickly and now, here we are.” On a whim, I reach over and give her a slow, gentle kiss on her warm, smooth cheek, and of course, true to form, my siblings all crow and catcall. “And we couldn’t be happier,” I add, my gaze glued to hers.

River catches my cheek with her hand as I pull away from the kiss, anchoring me there for a moment.

“Wow!” Sophie says. “Congrats, you two. Wouldn’t have ever guessed Gabriel would move so fast, but . . . go Gabriel!”

She steps in to give us each a hug and soon, everyone else is following suit.

“Yeah, I could see Milo rushing into a relationship, but not Gabriel.” Alec’s eyes narrow and his gaze darts between River and me.

“Hey!” Milo protests.

Oakley stands from the theater chair. “Just cause Gabriel hasn’t fallen fast before doesn’t mean he can’t now, right guys? When you know, you know.”

Soon, Mom’s hugging me and offering her congratulations.

Sebastian and our dad are just standing there quietly, about as far away from one another as they can get.

“You guys,” Henry says, his eyes on me. “They’re just dating. You’re acting like they’re getting married. It’s not a big deal. Leave ‘em alone.” If anyone would advocate for everybody minding their own business, it would be Henry since he was in the military and then worked as a security officer in the private sector in Europe.

Little does he know that in just a few short days, if neither of us chickens out, we actually will be getting married.

Is this happening? Or will something come up to derail the whole thing?

Chapter 14


I’m channeling my Sandra Bullock inWhile You Were Sleepingvibes as I slide into Jana’s office at Caring Souls and seal a sticky note onto her workstation computer screen as she’s charting on Monday morning.

You remember that part of the movie, right? When the older brother, the one who was in the coma—also the one she’s not in love with—proposes and she says yes and then invites her boss to the wedding with a sticky note?

Hey, if it’s good enough for Sandy Bullock, it’s good enough for me.