Me:What am I supposed to wear tonight?

Gabriel:It’s casual dress. But my parents’ idea of casual is different than most people’s.

Me:Great! I’ll borrow Skye’s Hello Kitty pajama bottoms. Sounds like that’s a safe bet.

He doesn’t even dignify that with a response. And after Jana picks up Skye from the Caring Souls drop-in event and then drives us home, I get to fret and stew over my wardrobe for the next few hours. And pack more boxes. And fix and re-fix my hair. And go unzip my wedding dress from the garment bag and touch it every half hour or so.

I’m getting married. To someone I barely know. Please Mom and Dad, please try to understand why I’m doing this.

Because I sure as heck don’t.

An hour before the party, he texts again.

Gabriel:Get your Oscar winning performance ready.

Ready or not, it’s about to get real.

Chapter 13


River’s late to Milo’s party.

I would have made sure she wasn’t but she insisted on being dropped off by Jana.

My mother approaches me, stepping carefully up the slight rise to get to the amphitheater. She’s a little out of breath—worn out. Her face is caught between a grimace and a look of empathy as she leans in for a hug.

“It’s been far too long, Gabriel,” she says with a swarm of sadness and a bit of chiding. “Dad’s parking the car,” she reassures, as if to say,So we have a minute to talk. “How are you holding up?” She stiffens away from me and peers at my face. “You look peaked.” Then she smiles. “I know I’m really one totalk, with my illness.” She places both hands on her cheeks. “But I’ve been worried about you.”

I glance around the party. There aren’t many people here yet, so maybe they can all hear our exchange.

“No need to worry!” I should have taken acting lessons from Sebastian’s wife, Elianna, because this needs to be the greatest acting job ever. I have to act as if I’m content and healing. And most importantly, totally in love with River Judkins.

I’m counting on adrenaline and the fear of never getting to work for Foundations again to get me through this.

“Also, you don’t look pale, you look lovely, as always,” I tell Mom. When she scoffs, I continue. “Seriously, Mom. And don’t worry. I think my experiences in Europe, as rough as they were, have taught me a lot. I’ve got my head on straight now.”

“Glad to hear it.” She hesitates, her mouth twitching as if there’s more she wants to say, but instead, she loops her arm through mine. “Let’s go find your brothers.”

“Actually, Mom, you go on ahead. I’m waiting for someone.”

Her brows go in the air. “Okay,” she says, smiling. “Can’t wait to meet her.”

I frown as she peels her arm away from mine. Having spotted Milo, she’s making her way toward him and Alec.

Of course, it’s good that she knows I’m waiting for a woman to arrive. The more prepared she is, the better.

I’m just about to text River to ask where she is when I see her walking toward me.

A burst of energy tingles along my spine. I told her casual dress, but what she is wearing? It’s elevated. Nice. Different from anything I’ve ever seen her wear before. It’s a dress, dark pink and short, just above the knee. It’s got long sleeves, but the neckline is square and low. With her hair in a ponytail, her sun-kissed skin glows. Our gazes meet and she wraps a hand across her waist, her eyes dropping to the ground.

Is she nervous?

When she reaches me, I’ve already got my guard back up. This is business. It’s not personal. Business? Yes. Personal? Nope, nope, nope.

“You should have let me pick you up,” I say, making sure my eyes are trained on hers and not her beautiful curves. “You’re late.”

Her chin raises and she scowls. “Jana’s helping me with Skye later on, so she was happy to drive me. Besides, I’m fashionably late. There’s a huge difference.”