And now I’m wearing a dress that makes me feel like a million bucks.
“I don’t even know how much it is,” I say.
“But you said he was paying for all the wedding expenses,” Jana counters.
“Yeah. The money’s already in the bank.”
The contract was emailed to me. And I signed it digitally, thefinalversion. I just squeezed my eyes shut, crossed myself a few times (there’s a first time for everything), uttered a prayer of “Please help me,” and did it. And on the drive here, I checked my bank account, not even expecting there to be anything from him in it, but there totally was. A transfer of a few thousand bucks with the memo of “wedding expenses.”
“So get this dress! Now!” Jana says.
It only takes a couple more minutes of me waffling back and forth before I agree. And surprisingly, it doesn’t have to be altered or anything. The shop lady just seals it up in a plastic garment bag and hands it over to me. “You’re lucky to be tall,” she says.
It’s just a gal and her best friend walking to said best friend’s car, all nonchalantly likeOf course we just bought a wedding dress.
“I feel like we’re putting the cart before the horse. Did she mention a return policy somewhere in there? It’s all a blur,” I say as Jana maneuvers her car through the parking lot.
She gives me look that silently says,Calm down. “This wedding is happening.”
“Are we sure, though? I haven’t met his parents yet. What if they hate me and then him marrying me foils his whole plan?”
“Impossible. No one could hate you.”
I did get a reputation in college as being “nice.” And I had a couple of professors who told me to play up that strength in my career. Somewhere between my freshman and senior years, I morphed that people pleasing into a superpower of sorts, helping the cause instead of hurting it. I can say I am a decent human being.
But the Tates aren’t clients or neighbors or people I partner with in Skye’s care. They’re . . . different. On a plane of their own.
I get a text from Gabriel when we start driving home.
Gabriel:You reached out when I was in Europe because you heard about what happened and wanted to offer your help. We became long-distance friends. We started dating right when I got back.
Apparently, I’m not as kind as I thought I was because I decide to mess with him.
Me:Who IS this?
Gabriel: (Eye rolling emoji.) My father’s name is Thomas and my mother’s name is Celine. They’ve been married for forty years. My mom got sick a few months ago, but she’s starting to feel better. She keeps trying to convince my dad to get a dog.
Me:Do I get bonus points for knowing that already? Come on, Gabriel, give me something challenging. Except, I didn’tknow your mom wanted a dog. Why doesn’t she just get one? Their house is big enough your dad wouldn’t ever even need to see it.
Right when I push send, I cringe. Do I look like a weirdo if I know what his parents’ house is like? Shortly after Sebastian hired me, I did a write up for the company website about each of the brothers. Like, an in-depth look at their upbringing and family and the things that make them tick. It’s the sort of lifestyle stuff people eat up. Somewhere in my digging for more info to round the piece out, I stumbled upon his parents’ address. I’m not exactly proud of this, but the next time I had to drive into Denver, I looked it up. I just, I don’t know, wanted to sort of manifest the whole Tate secret sauce.
Was their neighborhood gated so I couldn’t get through? Yes, it was. Still, it was clear their house was ginormous.
Thankfully, Gabriel doesn’t ask me how I know.
Gabriel:It’s called compromise. You know? For helping make a successful marriage and stuff? She only started wanting one recently, and I’m sure he’ll support it eventually. But he’s not a dog person.
Me:So he’s a cat person then?
Gabriel:If all dog people and all cat people were shoved in the same room, my dad would be a hundred miles away in a room all by himself. Now can we get back to the task at hand, please? We have to be ready to meet them as a couple in just a few hours.
Me:What are their hobbies?
Gabriel:Traveling. Being Grammy and Grandpa to my niece, Navie. And most recently, making my life miserable. Or I guess that’s just my dad.
Me:How does your mom feel about what happened?
Gabriel:I don’t know. She hasn’t said.