Where was the abusing dickless scumbag?
“Son of a bitch!” I punched the concrete wall and felt the blood leak down my fists.
This was even more reason to not let Echo join this fucking fight. I couldn’t take the chance of that man touching her again. He’d be out for revenge after what I did to him.
How was he even alive?
I’d castrated him, waterboarded him with his own blood, and left that man a whimpering dickless mess.
There had to be someone else here. My blood ran cold. If there was someone here, that meant Echo wasn’t safe. I dropped the bag I brought down, the fabric blending into the congealed puddle of blood on the ground.
“Echo!” I hollered, racing up the stairs.
I couldn’t hear her, not a damn sound except my pounding heartbeat.
“Echo!” I shouted again, taking three and four steps at a time.
A sinking feeling welled in my gut, which made me feel physically weighed down.
“Echo,” I tried again. We’re not alone!”
She had to hear me.
I finally got to the staircase, and my words bounced off the ceiling as I called her name again and again—but there was still only silence.
I threw open the doors to the main hallway, and my heart sank. She was there.
Held in the arms of a robed fuck, and there was a line of other robed fucks beside him. Both sides, at least twelve.
Echo looked at me, her eyes pleading for me not to do something stupid.
“No,” I said flatly.
The main-robed figure stepped forward, dragging Echo beside him, a gun jabbed in her side.
“What do you want with her? That isn’t godly to kill another soul, is it?” I yelled at him.
“Spoken of the man who tortured and left a man for dead just hours ago, son.”
I laughed. “I am not your fucking son! What is with you creepy fucks wanting me to call you Daddy?”
The man in the robes lifted his head, the black robe falling back and revealing the man beneath it.
It was the headmaster.
“Asher Ballard, why don’t you ask your girlfriend here if I have that right?”
I furrowed my brow, unsure what he could mean.
Echo looked away, tears pooling in her eyes.
“Echo...?” I said hesitantly. “What is he talking about?”
“Your woman decided to snoop into my clients’ folders. She revealed some important secrets about my business, including one small detail I was sure she’d disclose to you. However, I suppose your choice of lovers isn’t as faithful as you’d like them to be.”